Book 2: A Test of Pride

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3rd POV. Flashback.

the scene opens up to show villagers working hard. a Woman heard rustling in the bushes as she went to investigate. she was then grabbed by the head and immediately got her neck broken.

Man: Oh, Gods.

???: Herd, bleed 'em!

soon Half-giants ran towards the town and slaughtered its inhabitants before setting fire to some homes. a skinny Half-giant wearing a helmet and holding two axes was seen killing people who tried to fight back. Archers shot arrows at the Half-giant but they were killed easily as the Half-giant landed on the ground.

???: Fine work, boy. you do the herd proud. Take what you want, and teach 'em to fear the name Grog Strongjaw.

the Skinny Half-giant turns around to reveal he was a Younger Grog.

Flashback end.

a Dragon fly flew around and landed on a barn window where Pike, Scanlan and Grog were watching the town.

Pike: No guards. No movement. Uh, you sure this was the place you saw in that Vision?

Scanlan: Hundred percent. I've played dozens of gigs in Westruun. lousy tippers, but they really appreciate the classics. Oh, my big closer was always "When the Bald Man Cr..."

Pike: Scanlan. Focus. 

Scanlan: Oh, right. Mythcarver showed the city overrun by half-giants like Grog. W-Well, Normal Grog. 

Grog looks down and Moans.

Scanlan: And One super beefy dude wore these stone gauntlets that were, like, glowing. 

Pike: The vestiges. 

Grog: Well, looks like those guys moved on. We should get back to Wilhand, you know, before he starts wondering where we are.

Grog started walking away but Pike grabbed his Loincloth.

Pike: Hey, these people could use our help.

Farmer: Please. Let me go.

The Half-giants Marauders threw an Elf on the ground.

Farmer: I swear, I gave all I had. There's nothing left. 

Herdsman: Well, my small friend, if you ain't got nothing for the offering. That makes you Worthless, don't it? 

The Herdsman points his axe at the Elf's chin as the Elf cries.

Farmer: Yes. Yes. I'm worthless. 

Herdsman: Then get out of my sight. And Hope your luck turns around.

Farmer: Thank you. Thank you.

The Elf runs away as the Marauders do Rock paper scissors.

Both: Boulder, Parchment, shears.

The Smaller Marauder wins and throws his Axe at the Elf's head killing him. Pike noticed this as she was about to summon her Mace, But Grog stopped her.

Grog: Don't.

Pike: What? There's only two. We can take 'em easy. 

Grog: No. if they're with the Herd, they ain't easy. 

Herdsman: Nice Toss, Suda.

The Herdsmen laugh as Suda retrieves his Axe.

Herdsman: Guess his luck didn't turn around.

The herdsmen laughed as they walked away. Grog looks down and sighs before sitting on Hay. 

Grog: Kevdak is in there. 

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