Spark of Rebellion

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3rd POV Flashback.

A Map of Whitestone with X's on some Spots of the map.

Rebel: The Eastern Faction was wiped out by Giants. 

The Camera pans to show a Short guy wearing Armor with a Bandanna. This is Archibald Desnay or Archie for short.

Archie: Then we need to make our next move count. Gather every able-bodied Fighter in Whitestone. 

A Blue haired Elf Woman ran through the Door as she showed a Mark on a Piece of Paper that bore a Striking Resemblance to the de Rolo crest.

Archie: Bryn. Thank the Dawnfather you're alive. What news do you bring.

Bryn: The Briarwoods have moved the Kestrel. She's with professor Anders.

Archie: Anders? She'll be hard to extract. 

Then the hideout Shaking as Giants ripped off the roof then killed most of the Rebels. Archie was sent to the ground as a Short gray skinned man walked up to the Downed Harley. This was Kerrion Stonefell.

Stonefell: You're a Tenacious little tick, Archibald. Gonna have fun burnin' you off my balls.

Flashback End.

With Our Heroes, They Watched as Ravens Ate the flesh of their Counterparts.

Percy: the Briarwoods know we've come.

Keyleth: W-We should cut them down.

Percy: No. *turns and walks away* The Sun Tree's Obviously being Watched.

The Group ran to Safety as they saw a Woman wearing a Blue bandanna herding Children towards an Alley and then Noticed Vox Machina. 

Rebel: Are you Crazy? Out of the Streets. Hide!

The Group Headed into the Alley and Hid from a Passing Giant.

Scanlan: Grog, You're part giant. Can you vouch for us?

Grog: Oh, What, 'cause we all Fucking know each other?

Scanlan: Well, I mean, Yeah, kinda.

The Woman noticed the Crest on Percy's Jacket then grabbed it.

Rebel: Why do you wear this? A-Are you part of the Resistance?

Percy: Uh, Sorry, I-I don't Follow.

Vex: The de Rolo crest. Maybe the Resistance is using it.

Yamikumo: If There's a Resistance then we have a Chance to Take out the Briarwoods.

Rebel: You know the Briarwoods, you must be part of the resistance.

Vax: We're not with them, but we do share an enemy.

Percy: Whitestone is Worse off than I expected.

Grog: Briarwoods are Dicks. 

Percy: (to Rebel.) Perhaps we can be used to each other. Tell me, is Keeper Yennen still alive?

Rebel: Why do you want to know?

Percy: If you want Change here, Yennen is the Only One who can help bring it.

The Group was lead by Rebel to Where Yennen was, After sometime the Group had Met with Yennen in an Alley.

Yennen: Greetings, Strangers. We don't see many new faces these days.

Percy: Keeper Yennen, tell me, what do the Briarwoods make of your Sermons?

Yennen: They don't Attend my Services. But their Pale Guard Tolerate me, for now.

Percy: You truly believe the Dawnfather will send a Sign?

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