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"You can run and shower if you want, Ry. Scout and I will have a quick snack then you guys can handle bedtime if you want." I reassured Mariah with a soft smile, which she returned gratefully.

Her shifts at the hospital were erratic lately which made it tough to get time with the kids when they were awake.  Stolen moments made the days go more quickly.

"Don't eat all the cookies, little one," Ry said to her daughter with a giggle before jogging upstairs.

I really liked her. Max, too. They were great people in general which was a major plus as a live in Nanny.

My Master's was focused on child development research but when I was offered the chance to be Nanny for Doctor Eastwick this past Spring I knew I had to take it. Daddy passed away almost a year ago and Doc was an incredible support in his final days.

It took me a few months to handle his estate and get my head on straight. I caught up with Doc's wife, Lydia, one day then everything fell into place for me to work with the family for about 4 months. Their kids had tons of activities so from running first thing with the oldest, Anthony, while he trained for Football to late night dance recitals it was a busy time.

We spent hours in the pool, too. I was more toned and tan than I had ever been. My hair had even turned more blonde.

It was a nice change.

Mariah worked with Doc and mentioned in passing that they were looking for a Nanny back in March before Archer was born. He recommended me and I was able to help the Benson's at least once a week all summer, getting to know the kids as well as Max and Ry.

I was happy. It had taken years of struggle but finally things were looking up.

Scout signed "Cookie" which made me grin as I got her a cup of milk. I grabbed her the requested snack and she sat in her booster seat at the counter while I told her about how baby brother took a long time to fall asleep and needed four lullabies. She giggled before I explained which songs I had chosen, all familiar to the sweet little girl's ears.

Ry got back downstairs in sweats and her dark curls in a messy bun. "Ooohh, cookies!" her voice took on a gravely tone like the Cookie Monster which always made Scout laugh.

We laughed and I saw the happy scrunch on the little girl's nose.

She's going to speak soon.

I just know it.

The last couple of months have been full of patience, allowing her to find out what she likes as well as trying new things.  Scout was growing leaps and bounds which was a joy to watch.

"Hey, guys..." Max said, entering the kitchen with a guy I knew from photos as Rome.


He's taller than I expected, blonde hair a bit longer and deep blue eyes clearly tired from the long flight.

"Hi. I'm Georgia," I straightened myself and met his eyes, trying to catch my breath.

Rome shot me a grin that looked exactly like Max.

Genetics are strong with this family.

"Nice to meet you finally, Georgia. Thanks for all you did in the apartment."

His voice was deep and made my stomach flip.

Scout giggled and he sank onto a stool at the counter next to her. I slid the container of cookies his way then asked, "Want a drink?"

He shook his head as Max grabbed them each a beer then handed me one as well.

They know I won't drink when the kids are around unless they offer. I always accept.

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