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Rome played a few songs on guitar after Chinese food with Drake, including "Fireflies" and "Chasing Cars."

I didn't feel up to participating, but stayed in the room and played with Archer while Scout tried to learn how to put her little fingers on the frets.

Max played a bit also and it was good to see him relaxed again. He was struggling to support Mariah. There was no guidebook for how to handle loss, especially when this was their fourth miscarriage. I knew Max and Rome had a few good conversations and were in a better place now but Ry was having a tough time functioning much less anything else.

"We should get Scout a ukelele for Christmas," Rome said with a grin before tucking my guitar away.

"That's not a bad idea, Son," Max responded while pulling Scout onto his lap with the book she chose.

Drake stuck around a bit longer then headed home, while Mariah was going to be at work past 10.

I had planned to get Archer tucked in before going outside for some air, but Rome offered to handle bedtime so I was able to slip away more quickly.

Everything felt different.

Rome was clearly showing me he still cared. He had been consistent and respectful since getting home, which made it tough to keep my distance. My walls were up but he stayed outside the castle, allowing me the chance to dictate our contact.

Maybe all we did was chat a little bit, but I knew it helped.

I stared at the sky, wondering how to move forward.

He apologized and I knew we could talk at some point to clear the air further, but until then maybe I need to try harder. Rome did not deserve to be punished for his choices. It was obvious he deeply regretted the way he acted and was willing to own his mistakes. I felt the same way about my decisions.

The way Rome kept offering to help but not pushing made a difference. I knew I was safe with him nearby since he would not step over my boundaries.

When I came inside after laying under the stars for a bit, I had an idea. Max was using the Peloton so I grabbed my laptop then curled up on the couch in the TV room and flipped on the TV. Nothing was really on so I went to YouTube and started playing music videos while scrolling social media mindlessly.

Rome would be downstairs eventually. He had been sleeping in the spare room so if I showed I was somewhere neutral it may help us feel more comfortable.

There were footsteps upstairs and I turned to see Mariah make her way down. She was still in scrubs and had her hair piled into a messy bun on top of her head, already yawning after a shift at the Emergency Room.

"How was work?" I asked as she flopped on the couch with a heavy sigh.

"Awful. 4 car pileup by an elementary school thanks to a road rage incident. One kid died so far and two others are in critical condition. The Mom who started it wasn't hurt but her kid is not doing well. He wasn't in a car seat or wearing a seat belt."

"Shit, Ry... that's a lot to process..." I breathed, shaking my head. "Are you okay?"

She let out a hollow laugh, "As okay as I ever am after watching a little one take their last breath."

We were quiet a few moments while she allowed herself to relax before saying, "I'm gonna take a shower and change then warm up some Chinese food. Make me a drink?"

"Of course. See ya in a few."

Mariah paused as she stood, "Gigi? Wanna watch Jane Austen?"

I chuckled after setting down my laptop, knowing this was a good sign. "I can't think of anything I'd like more."

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