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I knew the terminal would be crowded but due to a thunderstorm it was even more packed with annoyed and angry passengers now forced to wait for delays.

La Guardia was not my favorite airport, but I had only been to two so far. The one closest to home was not gigantic but had a few dozen gates and plenty to do if you were stuck for awhile.

I scooted around a group of people talking in the walkway and finally caught sight of Rome. He was stretched out on the floor by a bank of windows with his laptop and phone charging.  My iPad was also plugged in and phone would be next once I made my way back to him. We were lucky to find a quieter area to camp out, especially since every chair was filled with either passengers or their bags.

Layovers were part of the experience.  I decided it was like taking a road trip and stopping at random gas stations or rest areas. You just do your best and make memories along the way.

He looked up as I approached and gave a wide grin.  "I figured the line was long..."

"Yeah, Shake Shack is popular but now we have smash burgers, animal style fries, and shakes so life can continue without me getting hangry."  I smiled and sat next to him, grabbing the extra napkins from our bag as he set his laptop aside.

A bolt of lightening cracked through the sky outside and caused me to jump.  Rome laughed lightly, leaning over to give me a gentle kiss.  "I'll protect you, Georgia."

I got our food set up and grabbed my chocolate shake, sipping deeply.  "I know layovers are annoying but I would rather be here watching the storm than up in a gigantic plane seeing it right before our eyes."

Rome winced and nodded, chewing a giant bite of his burger.

I wasn't the only one about to get hangry.

My backpack had plenty of snacks like granola bars and dried mango but it was mid afternoon and we had been racing around since 5am. Max drove us to the airport and after dealing with customs and biding our time for over an hour the first leg of our trip began. It was an easy flight but when we got to La Guardia we had to rush to the gate.

We got here with a few minutes to spare, only to see notices that the flight was delayed due to weather. Rome and I gave one another a look then shrugged and found a cozy corner with outlets where we could set up camp. It worked out better than I expected, especially since the terminal was centrally located with restaurants and bathrooms nearby.

"So, how do you like your first big trip, Georgia?"  Rome asked after throwing out our trash while I got my phone charged.

I hummed, taking another sip from my shake, and thought about how to respond.  "I don't feel like we've done much yet.  Looks like we should be on the way pretty soon. London will be a great chance for us to meet up with some of your old friends while we adjust to the time change so maybe I'll be able to answer that when we get to Heathrow."

"Kinda nice Tuscany is only an hour later than London.  You're right, the time zones could have been a problem but I'm sure we will figure it out."  Rome gave me a smile, "We've dealt with lack of sleep plenty of times before."

I nodded, memories of late nights cuddling a fussy Archer flashing through my mind. Scout rode along with Max to drop us off and cried when we left. Rome promised we would FaceTime as much as possible and send postcards as well. I knew she would settle down just fine, especially since Max and Mariah had time off planned to stay home and relax with the kids. They had a few new pool toys including a gigantic swan shaped float ready to pull out of hiding and were excited to just enjoy time as a family.

We were as prepared as we could be for the trip, wearing comfortable clothes and sneakers with a fresh comfy outfit tucked into our carryon bags. My hair had grown out more than I expected by this point so I had two french braids, one on each side, keeping it off my face. Rome enjoyed tugging on my braids once in awhile to tease me, especially when I wasn't paying attention.

It made me laugh every time, especially when I saw smiles from strangers that watched us joke around.

Our New York trip a couple months prior still played in my head with a highlight reel of moments that strengthened our relationship. Seeing two Broadway shows, wandering museums, eating as much pizza as we could handle... every day was outside of my comfort zone and I was never happier.

Rome was more than willing to give us the chance to sleep in and order room service, as well. I needed the downtime to absorb so much change. He never forced or prodded, but was patient when I got overwhelmed. I was worried I would shy away in fear but with his hand around mine I still felt like I could face anything.

The terminal grew busier as signage changed to show flights were starting again.  Rome checked at the desk and confirmed we were good to go, so we took a quick bathroom break then headed to the gift shop for some snacks and water bottles.

Rome reached down and laced our fingers together as we waited on the loading bridge to get to the plane. "Soon, love... soon we will be walking the streets of London to meet with my buddies at my favorite pub for fish and chips."

I grinned and leaned into him, "I don't know what is more exciting, meeting your friends or getting to enjoy a pub in England. We are checking a lot off my bucket list, Rome."

He chuckled as we inched forward then led me down the aisle of the plane to our seats. Rome allowed me the window seat in first class, tucking my bags into the overhead bin along with his before we got buckled in.  Rome's right hand fidgeted with the bracelet still attached to my left, the light shimmering off the cuff.

"We need to go to Spain sometime and visit the place I got these made," he mused, smiling softly. I felt his thumb brush over my left ring finger, "And maybe soon you'll have something here, too."

The teasing was delicious.  Rome and my intimacy created an even stronger bond that I never could have predicted.  He gave me control in the beginning but I was quickly willing to let him take the lead. I had moments of doubt and fear due to the trauma I experienced, but Rome was patient whenever something made me pause.

Most of my life I felt like I didn't belong. My Dad struggled with grief, then when the assault happened I pulled away from anyone I had allowed close. Reconnecting with Mariah gave me the chance to trust again. I was able to watch Scout grow in confidence each day, reinforcing that I was where I needed to be.

Then Rome happened.

We continued to meet up with friends at the bar when Eve was working, even adding a few new faces to the crowd. I was able to have a dinner with Mariah, Eve, Lila, and Lydia Eastwick two days before we left which gave us a chance to relax without kids or the guys around. Lila was nervous to meet up with everyone, especially since her potential future Sister in Law would be there, but the evening was more fun than any of us anticipated.

Now we were heading overseas for the first time together, ready to face adventure at every turn.

Our takeoff was like a dream, the plane hitting its cruising altitude as golden hour shimmered on the clouds below.  I gasped, my eyes fixed out the window while Rome leaned closer and rested his chin against my shoulder to watch. He softly kissed the side of my neck while I grinned, relaxing back into his body.

"It's like something from a dream..." I breathed, turning back to meet his eyes. "How is this real?"

"Our dream.  Together."

Rome's words were a statement, not a question.

He had welcomed me into the future he had always dreamed about creating. I was able to see how taking chances and trying something new was exhilarating and not scary. Moments of anxiety still happened on occasion but I was able to face them with more strength.

I spent years of my life working hard, keeping to myself, and living in fear.

Now I was ready to see what came next.

Georgia On My MindWhere stories live. Discover now