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I took a long, hot shower and tried to clear my head.

I needed to get Georgia off of my mind.

Katie and Shay had both been texting me so I took a chance and texted Katie back. I knew how stupid that was as soon as she said she was on the way over.


Maybe we could go downstairs and watch whatever Miles and Georgia had on.

That would be safer.

I had barely been home 24 hours and already messed things up worse than I could have ever imagined.   My gut instinct was to chase adrenaline but more often than not that got me into trouble.

Katie stood up for Bradley and the other guys that assaulted Georgia.


How was it that I kept doing this??

I jumped into shorts and a workout shirt then answered the front door after she knocked.

Can't do anything about it now.

My Dad came upstairs after working out and I saw his eyes widen when Katie walked in the door, launching herself into my arms and kissing me fiercely.

"Katie, chill... I said you could come over so we can talk. That's it."

She scoffed, rolling her blue eyes toward the ceiling. "Yeah, Rome, sure. "Talk.""  Katie used air quotes and shook her brown waves, annoyance radiating from her body.

Dad headed into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water then jogged upstairs without another glance. 

I was positive he would have plenty to say later on, though.

"So, let's get up to your place," Katie cooed, her hand resting on my stomach.

My cock stirred but I knew I had to keep myself in check. Maybe if I gave her a chance to see Georgia she'd apologize and things would be different?  They could both move ahead with a fresh start.

Yeah... that was a good plan... I could be diplomatic and help everyone plus get what I want.

Even though I don't know what that is.

"Actually let's head downstairs. Miles and Georgia are down there watching something and we have the whole bar stocked,"  I suggested, deciding on the easiest option for the moment.  Being alone with Katie would be a bad idea.

She narrowed her eyes, head shaking slightly. "Georgia?"

I nodded, "Yeah, my parents Nanny for my brother and sister."

Katie seemed to relax a little and took my hand, leading me down the steps. I didn't know what was in her head but had a sinking feeling.

I should have just gone to bed.

I should have had another beer and laid on my couch moping about how badly I messed up today instead of creating a bigger problem.

I should have scrolled through photos I took on my last day in London then found a few to add in my apartment.

Georgia was curled up on the couch under a yellow blanket while Miles had stretched out next to her, taking up more than his fair share of space.  She was sipping a cocktail of some sort while watching a video about "The Conjuring" Universe.

I didn't take her for a horror movie fan but all that told me was she was at least a little comfortable with Miles.

"Hey!!" Katie said in a shrill tone that made me wince. "How's it going, Miles?"

Georgia On My MindWhere stories live. Discover now