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I woke up before my alarm went off at 5:30 and took a quick shower then made sure I had my phone and Archer's monitor before trudging up the stairs.

Mondays are tough, but this was not just a Monday. It was Rome's first official day working with Max in their office.

The late night slash early morning conversation with Rome was a blur.  I felt bad for not giving him more or telling him how I felt, but wasn't sure that was something I could do yet. There was a lot coming up in the next couple of weeks considering the anniversary of the day Dad died as well as my birthday, but I wasn't sure how to approach those topics.

Max and Ry only knew because I shared with Mariah when I was in the hospital a few years ago.

She remembered everything. That woman had a mind like a steel trap.

My connection with Rome felt so intense even though I hadn't offered to share more.

It was terrifying to have the possible future you've always wanted in arms reach.

I got the kitchen set up to make a good breakfast and picked out two tote bags as well as Tupperware to package lunch for the guys. Max came in to the kitchen at just after 6, ready for work and a cup of coffee.  "Morning, Georgia," he said with a smile.

"Morning.  I am working on eggs and sausage for breakfast tacos but can do burritos if you need something to go," I replied, grabbing the cream from the fridge for him.  "We have so much salsa and more avocados as well."

"That sounds perfect."

"Chicken Caeser salad okay for lunch?" I asked, peeking into the fridge for what I could throw together. While meal prep was not one of my job duties, it was an easy enough task that I offered to handle for Max and Mariah.

And for Rome... even though he didn't realize that yet.

I enjoyed this kind of task. You have a clear end goal and can achieve it quickly.

"Sounds perfect.  You always add just the right amount of dressing on the side."  Max was relaxed and leaned back from the kitchen chair before asking, "You okay, Georgia?"

I paused then finally answered, "I think I will be."

"What time are you heading out for a bit tomorrow?" he asked, his voice gentle.

"Probably once Archer is down for his nap.  I shouldn't be too long at the cemetery but ... yeah... guess it's hard to tell."

My thoughts drifted to the one year anniversary of my Dad's death and I felt myself get sick. I hated that it was an entire 12 months. I hated how he wasted away, begging to be put out of his misery so he could finally rejoin my Mom. They way his voice shook in those final days while Dad tried to share all he could so I was able to move forward after he was gone... how his last words to me were, "I'm so proud of you, Georgia."

Most of all, I hated that I was alone. No family, barely any friends, only my education and a feeble grasp on reality when he passed.

"Just take a breath, Gi..." Max said, breaking me from the grief driven spiral I was heading toward.  "We're here to support you..."

I nodded and got back to work chopping lettuce and chicken then getting all the salad toppings into containers.

Two of them.

Keeping busy helped my brain stop spiraling into memories I needed to tuck away for the moment.

By the time Max had plowed through his first taco I heard footsteps behind me and felt my pulse race.

Georgia On My MindWhere stories live. Discover now