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"Max, baby? Can you pass me the potatoes?" Mariah asked, adjusting a now sleeping Scout on her lap.  The cushioned lounge chairs were comfortable but also made it hard to move when a little one decided to sleep in your arms.

This little girl was on fire today. She was able to eat a cheeseburger before dozing off in her Mom's arms, eyes heavy even as she tried to nibble on a peanut butter cookie.

I got a few photos and sent them to Ry just so she can see everything from my point of view.

A child enamored with her mother, trusting her implicitly.

Parents need candid photos of themselves with their children.  It was a way of memorizing moments, especially since the first few years go by so fast.  We have a group chat for Max, Ry, and me where we send pictures daily just to keep track of snapshots like this.

Max did as requested and added two more scoops of roasted potatoes with rosemary and garlic to his wife's plate. They were easy to prep with Scout's help while Max handled the burgers and Mariah took care of feeding the baby.  We went with veggies and dip instead of salad, so little Duckling also helped me put a tray together of bell pepper strips, tomatoes, carrots, and snap peas.

Rome let out a long yawn which was then passed around the table. "You must be so wiped, Rome... jetlag is a bitch." Mariah gave him a gentle smile.

He nodded, stretching his arms high over his head before answering, "And swimming was more intense than I imagined." Rome's eyes met mine, "I have no idea how you do it, Georgia. I can't keep up."

I shrugged, trying not to jostle Archer while he started to settle. "You get used to it. I swear the Eastwick kids got me hooked on water polo along with all the other adventures we had this summer."

"Duckling was a lot more active today than usual, though, Gigi," Mariah noted with a sweet tone in her voice. "She wanted to show her brother all she had learned."

Rome paused, seeming to consider her words. "Wait, really?"

We chuckled and Max shook his head, "Son, you are a bit oblivious, aren't you?"

I noticed a look of embarrassment on Rome's face and quickly added, "You're seeing Scout as she is now. It's a big shift from when you saw her a few months ago, so that has to be overwhelming."

Rome seemed to nod at my words and I had a feeling he regretted being harsh earlier. Of course it stung, but I didn't want to take things personally.  Everything I had learned of him from Max and Mariah told me this is a guy who meant well, even if he put his foot in his mouth.

"Hey, guys!" Miles joined us outside and I looked up with a smile, waving as gently as I could while the baby started to doze off.

"My nephew Archer... I can't believe you're so big already!" he plopped down in the chair next to me and reached out to rub the baby's tummy gently.

Miles looked similar to his sister.  Bright green eyes, olive skin, dark hair.  He kept his facial hair scruffy which suited the firefighter more than I wanted to admit.

He was handsome, but had an on again off again fiancee that was a bit of a mess.

Based on the duffle bag in his hand, I was assuming things were off at the moment.

"Welcome back, Rome," Miles said with a big grin, reaching out to shake his hand.  Rome seemed surprised at how familiar I was with Miles which made me choke back a laugh.

This was gonna be interesting.  

"You ok, bubba?" Mariah asked, softening the bravado on her brother's expression.

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