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If we thought Scout was sassy before she started speaking, it was a drop in the bucket compared to the trash talk and gloating that now poured from the 2 ½ year old.

She was a savage.

Scout won the first two games of Candy Land, barely edging out Mariah in the second game before we took a quick break when Archer woke up from his nap.

I felt lighter now that Rome and I finally talked.

The bracelet he fastened to my wrist was heavier than I expected. I never wore jewelry but this was a perfect choice. Understated, simple, classic. Seeing his matching cuff made my heart flutter.

Rome and I sat outside for awhile before dinner and talked about the last few weeks.  He apologized again for not knowing about the anniversary of my Dad's death or my birthday, then grinned and commented, "Guess we have to do a belated birthday celebration, huh?"

I shook my head and laughed, "I'm good skipping it, but Scout wouldn't mind the chance to have cake so either way works."

"Well, if she is on my side then I can't go wrong."

We were quiet, letting ourselves relax into our newfound closeness.  I knew life would not dramatically change thanks to one conversation, but we were on the right track.  Knowing he purchased our bracelets on his way to Amsterdam and stared at them throughout his trip showed me how serious he was about our relationship.  Rome somehow found a way to give me back that belief I had lost.

There was a feeling of peace in the air when we got ready for dinner and chatted about the video game battle we planned to have the next day.  Max and Mariah were closer, teasing one another and even flirting openly which was a relief.

They both blamed themselves for the miscarriage but I was able to convince them to try therapy about 3 weeks prior.  It was hard to open up, even to a professional, but after their first session both thanked me for the encouragement.

Max never realized how deeply his actions hurt his wife.  When he pulled away after the loss she took that as more proof everything was her fault.  After a few sessions they agreed it was worth continuing so they could grow stronger as a couple.

We had pasta with the Bolognese sauce I made along with warm garlic bread and salad. Max opened a bottle of red wine that we enjoyed, sitting past the time that Archer and Scout went to bed while all of us opened up about how we were doing.

How much we grieved the lost baby.

The excitement that Scout was speaking and had so much to share.

Rome and his travels, as well as the regret he felt for how he has acted.

My seemingly never ending quest to be independent when ultimately that is not what I wanted.

I wanted a partner.  Someone that would work alongside me so we could create a life together.

"We have the kids tonight, Gi," Max said softly as we wiped down the counters and Mariah hand washed their wine glasses. "You've been handling Archer every night for weeks on end. You deserve a break."

I let out a laugh and nodded, "You're not wrong, but I honestly don't mind."

"We need to do this, Gigi," Mariah said, voice shaking. "I can't keep avoiding the precious baby I have here in my arms while dreaming of what the one we lost would have been like."

"You know where to find me if you change your mind. I just want you to have time, and if it's too much right now then we understand."  I gave her a reassuring smile, "Thank you again for trusting me.  This has been a lot for you two and knowing we were able to work through it means we are all stronger now."

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