Don't You Forget About Me

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10 years before the beginning of "Georgia on my Mind."




The world went from foggy silence to chaos, sirens causing my mind to infer something bad happened. My body ached in places I didn't realize existed so even opening my eyes took more energy than I had available. Bright lights flashed while I tried to register what was going on.

Where am I??

The last thing I remembered was leaving work so I could get home in time to see Rome for a bit before he headed over to Kraig's.

After a moment I shifted and felt something drip down my face.  A police officer opened my car door and spoke calmly but my mind was buzzing with pain and noise.

"I think I'm okay..." I heard myself groan before he forced me to stay seated.

"Not a chance, man.  You have a concussion at the very least.  Is there someone that can meet you at the hospital?"

I tried to will my head to nod but even that was too much effort.

Paramedics approached and after running a few tests to make sure I had feeling in all my limbs and no neck injury they moved me to a stretcher.

On the quick ride to the ambulance I saw my car crushed between two others at the intersection by my new office park.  Dustin and I just started here about a month ago and thanks to the help of an intern our marketing firm was taking off.  We spent the last decade working with area companies to build our portfolios but it was time to branch out.

I've always hesitated to take chances. Giving my son a stable home and providing for him was my priority.  Now I found myself being loaded into an ambulance in spite of the careful way I have lived my life.

The ride to the hospital was fast and I felt myself doze off, finally waking in a dim room where the only sound was a beeping monitor.  My arm had an IV attached and I tried to focus so I could figure out what was going on.

I'm too young to deal with this shit.


I looked up and saw a gorgeous brunette in the doorway, her dark curls pulled back in a ponytail. She was wearing frumpy blue scrubs but something about this woman's clear green eyes made my heart thud in a new way.

"Just take a breath, okay?"

Her voice was melodic, like something from a fairy tale. Can she sing? She probably sounds like an angel when she sings...

I nodded and did as requested while my new friend took my blood pressure. Her movements were careful, the gentle energy helping me process what happened while coming to grips with my current situation. She got my name and birthday as she worked which helped me stay in the moment but my head felt like it was going to explode.

"What do you remember?" she asked, meeting my eyes after putting away the blood pressure cuff.

"I was in a car accident... Rome..." my voice was a gravely rasp and I heard the heart rate monitor beep faster.

"Just breathe for me, Max, okay? Rome?"

I nodded as she checked the monitor and allowed me a moment to catch my breath, "My son, he's 15 and will be home from school by now... probably worried, too."

She gave me a small smile and reached for my phone that now had a shattered screen. I realized my clothes and shoes were folded on a side chair and saw my wallet on the table as well. "Would you like me to help you give him a call?"

Georgia On My MindWhere stories live. Discover now