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The house was quiet.

I waited until Drake was gone before heading downstairs to grab a beer.

Today was overwhelming.

I knew how badly I hurt my sister but seeing her forgiveness then feeling the trust mend itself so quickly made my heart ache. Scout may not speak yet but every expression, every look, every smile tells you what is in her little brain. Being home was a bigger adjustment than I expected, but the moment I had with her after apologizing reminded me this was the where I should be.

Where I wanted to be.

Never ending wanderlust coursed through my veins but I pushed it back yet again.  Scout deserved a big brother that kept his promises. Same for Archer, though he was so little the best I could do was help feed him and play once in awhile.

My feet led me down the hallway to the kids rooms but I noticed the nursery open and empty.  Scout's door was cracked so I peeked inside, grinning at her dark curls as they softly shook while she snored.

I made my way to the family room and stared out at the pool then noticed her.


She had Archer in her arms and was most likely singing him a lullaby.  I had barely been home a week but spent the entire time fighting the feelings I had for her.

Everything was so intense.  I was struggling to balance how I felt with all my doubts.

I didn't want something to begin only because of our proximity.

Both of us deserve more than that.

There was also an undercurrent of jealousy I kept feeling any time other men were around Georgia. In past relationships I never cared if the woman was with another guy. We never had a commitment and when I said "no strings attached" I meant it. Katie would regularly be all over other men in my presence but it made no impact on my feelings.

Something about this felt harder to navigate.

Then again, the way Georgia handled herself today made me wonder. Her ability to encourage Scout as well as make sure my Dad, Mariah, and I get plenty of time with the sweet girl made a big difference.  Not everyone would foster relationships in such an intentional way.

I felt the tension between us with stolen glances and breathy sighs.

God, she must sound amazing when she's having an orgasm.

I shook my head and debated what to do.

Behind door number 1, I continue running away like I always did.  I seize the first chance I got to explore the world and do what I love.  Of course I was positive I made the right choice coming home but still... the dreams I had for my future of a wife and family were less tangible than something I knew like the back of my hand.


I could pretend nothing was happening and keep distance so I can reevaluate and categorize and...

God, I'm an idiot.

Dad's words from this morning rang through my mind when I made my decision.

"Uncomplicate it."

My hand gripped the doorknob and I stepped outside, surprised by how cold it was after a hot early September day.

Her head snapped up toward me before she relaxed.

"Can I join you?" I asked quietly, peeking at my baby brother with a smile.

"Of course.  It's your home, too."

Georgia On My MindWhere stories live. Discover now