Chapter 2: New Friends

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Daneil and his family are getting ready for travel for survival
As they are getting ready to go out, Adalie is making sure she got everything she needed before heading out

Daneil: Alright, is everyone ready?

Adalie: Yep!

Owen: Ready

Diego: Si!

Fred: All set!

Daneil: Okay
Now, hopefully, we won't run into anything dangerous once we head out
So Maya, if anything happens, be sure that the powers are still active

Maya: Of course, mi amor

Daneil: Alright, Sally, make sure you help Mommy when we get back, okay?

Sally: Okay, Daddy!

Daneil: Okay, love you!

Adalie pov

As we went outside, the snow was still blizzaring, and the corpse of skeletons still remained
Even the drones are everywhere also and I couldn't stop looking at them as we kept walking in the cold winter city

Daneil: Alright, find what you can to help survive
Every tool, food, equipment, weapons, anything
Adalie, you and Owen find something in that building.
If anything goes wrong, tell me through the walkie-talkie.

Adalie: Okay

Owen: Yeah

Owen and I were looking for supplies for the rocket and find food as we found some of them, we spotted a drone corpse wall that peaked our curiosity.

Owen: That's utterly terrifying to see
Might as well go back to Dad

Adalie: Or maybe we should check it out!
*running towards the corpse building*

Owen: Ada!
Are you nuts?!
Dad is going to kill us if he finds out about this!
*runs after me*

As we run inside, we spot a spaceship that can finally get us off the planet finally.

Adalie: Oh my god!
Owen, do you know what this means!

Owen: No?

What is it?

Adalie: This is a spaceship that can get us home.
Can you believe it!

Owen: We don't know if it is a spaceship?

Adalie: Might as well check?

Owen: We are in so much trouble..

As we walked closer to the rocket, an unfamiliar voice was heard

???: I'd join you if the sun didn't kill me!
Hope you're having an important character growth or something, though?

Adalie: I'm not the only one hearing this, am I?

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