Chapter 18: Technologically Love

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In space, Adalie explained to her family, friends, and boyfriend about what happened while she was unconscious that she met an alien princess named Theta and about her dad not telling her or anyone that which shocked them. They understood the explanation and decided to leave it in the past now she, her family, and the other drones to help out in the ship as two pilots, Fred and Diego, searched for a new planet to live. Sally helps her mom, cousin, and aunt help with supplies and foods to feed people as they could while Adalie was in the room sleeping until N came in to wake her up

Adalie: ZZZ

N: Hey
Adalie wakes up
Adalie! Adalie! Adalie!

What happened, N?
Better be good news on finding a new planet so late

N: Hehe, sorry for waking you up, but I know it sounds really weird, but I was wondering if I could sleep with you?

Adalie: You woke me up just for that?

N: Y-Yes, it doesn't bother you, of course

Adalie: Well, we're a couple, so why ask?

N: I don't know... just this is still new to me, y'know

Adalie: Then, of course, N
Come here
*grabs his right shoulder*

N: Had!
Wait, Adalie, don't pull me!!
*got on top of her*

Adalie: Hee!?

N: Yes, Adalie?

Adalie: I-I

N: Adalie~
*kiss her lips*

Adalie:*kissing him*

On their make-out session, they pulled away as their saliva string attached

Adalie: W-Wait N

N: Do you want me to stop?

Adalie: N-no...

N: Are you sure?

Adalie: Ye-yes...

N: Well, now you think about it. Can I do other things?

Adalie: I don't know...

N: I'll do it slowly if you allow me, of course, or maybe not, hehe...

Adalie: I'm kinda new to this as it is to you, so it's fine

N:*kissing down her neck*

Adalie: N-N~

N: Mn

Adalie: mmn~

N: I better stop. I don't want to hurt you

Adalie: Uh?
Do you wanna stop

N: To be honest
I just don't want to do it today. I'm going to lose myself...

Adalie: Sure, but... I wanted to keep going, and we have been dating since we met, so just for a while, please
*blush madly*
Please be gentle...

N:*blush and drooling*
Yes, don't worry, I will...

Adalie Mnn, alright, N...
*kiss him*

As they make love, it was the best of their lives they've cuddled in bed lovingly as they look at each other in the eyes.

N: Adalie, do you... like it?
If you don't, then -

Adalie:*giggle* Yes, N

N: Woo, thank goodness! I thought you would hate it since this is the first time ever sleeping with a beautiful girl in my life! Though I think you might feel pain, but -
*kiss on the lips*

Adalie: Mmh~
N I love you, and there's no way I could ever hate you
Besides, you're my sweet puppy, after all

N: Um, Hehe...

Adalie: What you're comfy
Once we find a new home, I want to make sure you and I make memories together, okay?

N: I want to make memories with you too, angel
Even if we're able to have a family

Adalie: That would be nice
Us as family

N: I know Adalie, I know

Adalie: Haha, yes, of course
*Place her hand on his left cheek*
Just hope that we can get through this depth of space void, though I wish there were other planets around by now, y'know?
Goodnight N
*kiss him*

N: Goodnight, Adalie
*kiss her*

N: Goodnight, Adalie *kiss her*

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