Chapter 29: Creation & Destruction

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Adalie pov

After I destroy my grandfather and his solver, we rebuilt the city from them people smashing statues of him and replacing me as one. Herbert became the leader of Aerol City since he was the one who built the place, and N and J are now hereby dub thee guardians of Aerol City. My uncle Fred was now General of the Golden Knights, which is pretty cool, and my uncle Diego became the Council of order and law while my aunt Amber became the judge of court Reina started to be God's eyes hacker with weapons and stuff then I started to become the Angel of Aerol City. I was visiting the hospital where i find Uzi and Khan waiting on Nori that was in surgery as the doctors tried endlessly to save her.

Adalie: Any luck?

Uzi: No...

Khan: We're still waiting...

Adalie: ...

Then the doctor came back with some knew as I went up to him

Adalie: Doctor?

Doctor:*shakes his head*
I'm sorry

*tear shed*
Can we see her?

Doctor: Of course...

The doctor led us to the hospital room as we reached there. We saw Nori dead form

Adalie: Thank you, doctor

Doctor:*nods and left*

Adalie went up to her and placed her hand gently on her corrupted form

Adalie: You know... she never got the chance to.. see everything in her life
Even though...
She made many mistakes.. *tears flowing*
She just wishes that.. she can take back everything she has done in her life
And maybe she would've never turned out like this...
*hug her*
I love you, Nori...

Then, a miracle happened as my tears dropped on her. The glow bright up in purple, I noticed, and took a step back, seeing her turn into... a human
I was shocked to see what just happened, and Uzi and her dad couldn't believe it also, but Nori started to wake up and hurn her head to see us

Nori: Adalie?...

Adalie: Ha, Nori...

Nori:*gets up*
*sees her hand*
What the -
*looks at her legs*
What's -
*tries to get up but falls*

*caught her*
Take it easy...
How do you feel?

Nori: I... feel okay.. I guess?

Adalie: Haha... Hahaha!
You're alive...
*hugs her*
Oh Nori, you're alive!

Nori:*tears flowing*
*hugs me back*

Uzi: Mom?

Khan: Nori...?

Nori: Hey...

Doctor: Miss, I call your mother to -
*turns his back on us*
Um, ma'am, I am so sorry!
Nurse, please get this woman some clothes, please!

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