Chapter 26: Rescue Mission

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Herbert pov

Herbert: And now he's, and his pest is planning to use Adalie as a weapon to destroy the universe if I don't stop him from hurting her.

Nori: So a greedful, manipulating grandfather with anger raging problem is a solver freak user.
And why do you want my help?

Herbert: Because I know how she means to you
And how she sees you as a living being with a soul

Nori: ...

Herbert: Thank you

Nori: Bite me!

Adalie pov

I haven't seen Nori around lately. I asked Khan where she was, and he told me that she's in the city, but I just saw Nori in front of us as she crawled up to me on my shoulder.

Adalie: Hey Nori
How's the city?

Nori: Great, they got a lot of things I wanted to try, but broker then broke, y'know

Adalie: Yes, I know, but maybe we'll have time before that, okay?

Nori: Cool by me say Adalie could you find Uzi and tell her to come here please

Adalie: Oh sure thing, Nori I be back
*left the room*

Khan: Why bring Uzi to the room?

Nori: What can we spend time together as a family?

Khan: Oh, Nori, I could kiss you right now if you're in your drone-self by now


Adalie: Got Uzi

Uzi: Hey mom, what do you need?

Nori: Just wanted to spend some family time just the three of us if that's okay with you?


Adalie: Aw~

Nori & Uzi: Bite me!


Nori pov

We now left the church unnoticed til I led them to an alleyway where there's no cameras here, but my husband picked up real quickly on what's going on.

Khan: Nori, is there something wrong?

Nori: Stop
Okay, I brought you two here because that Wildon guy is who you thought he was, and I just figured out what he's planning

Uzi: What did you mean by that?

Nori: He can tell you...

Herbert: Hello
You must be Uzi and Khan, right?

Khan: You know him?!

Nori: Yes!
Now shush and let him explain

°•○●A Few Minutes Later●○•°

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