Chapter 23: Heart to Heart

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N pov

Ever since the party, Adalie has been distancing herself from me, which I deserve it honestly. I even tried to talk to her, which didn't work out. But I feel so ashamed of myself for letting jealousy get the better of me. Now I'm in my room feeling depressed until a knock was heard.

J: Hey N...
Are you in there?

N: ...
Not now, J

J:*opens the door*
Okay, what's going on with you?

N: Nothing...
*turns away from her*

J: Well, it's something, and you're not telling me
*sit on my bed*
So what is it?

N: ...
Me and Adalie.. had a fight...

Is that all?

N: Milo is being all flirty with her, and I...
Snap at her accidentally

J: ...
*bonk my head hard*

N: Ow!

J: You are a idiot!
You let that human teenage boy get a way with it!

N:*got off the bed* Well, he was fascinatingly trying to get her interest in his romance stuff and also got her to dance with him, which she said that she would dance with me...

J: Never knew you were a jealous type
*cross her arms*

N: I'm not!

J: ...
*lifted a brow*

N: Okay, maybe a little, but gosh, he's thinks that his way with her was better than my way.
Since we've been on Cooper 9 on our first date and had our first kiss!

J: So~
Are you going to apologize to her or...?

N: I've tried, but she's distantly avoiding me since then... I, which deserve this

J: Then apologize at her room
So that you could easily get the whole avoiding problem go away

N: ...
Thanks, J
*got up and left the room*


N:*open the door and look at J*
Also, I knew you were soft on the inside, and nice

Tell anyone, and I'll murder you!

N: He, no promises!
*left J in the room*


Adalie pov

I was feeling okay since the party and with me and N arguing. I understand why N was acting like that is because of Milo. Maybe that why he's acting differently lately. Hopefully, he'll calm down once I talk to him, but although I've never seen that side of him before but he was jealous, to be honest. But I noticed something slip through the door as I went up and saw a card and opened it. It was N's drawing of us and him apologizing to me.

 It was N's drawing of us and him apologizing to me

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Though I gotta say it's cute. How could I say no to that as I open the door seeing N with a sad face.

N: Can I come in?

*invited him in*

N: About what happened, I'm.. sorry
I've should've snapped at you so rudely and hurt your feelings
Just know that I would never hurt you that way
Because I love you and I know that you love me so... do you forgive me?

I went up to him and kissed his lips as he kissed back my arms, wrapped around his neck with his around my waist, then pulled away smiling.

Adalie: Yes
And I love you so much to leave you because I won't ever leave you
Cause you are my heart of gold and my sunshine

And you're my angel and my sunflower

He then kissed me, which deepened with his tongue as a passionate kiss and made love that night. The next morning, I was walking through the garden but saw Reina as I went up to her.

Adalie: Hey Reina

Reina: Hey, Adalie
What's you doing?

Adalie: Just taking a lovely stroll out of the garden
And you?

Reina: Same
Say have you and N ever think about y'know... make out?


Reina: So you did it, right?

Adalie:*smile a little*

Reina: No way!
For real!?

She asked as I went up to her and whispered her on the ear about what had happened, and she also understood, then pulled away, still blushing

Reina: Hm~ never trusts a man
Unless he hides it on the inside of it

Reina & Adalie:*laughing*

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