Chapter 31: Drone vs Human

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Adalie and N were spending their time together in the city enjoying the view of this place as they were enjoying the park by the bridge feeding the ducks with bread while laughing and giggling until Milo stopped by to greet them

Milo: Hey guys

Adalie: Oh hey Milo, what's up?

Milo: Ah, I'm just helping out in the city and just came back from the mission

N: Mission?

Milo: Oh, I didn't tell you guys that did I?

*lend back on the rail between Adalie and N*
Well, I just came back from the planet of Qunru to protect the kingdom of Haitra and saved the world

Adalie: Wow!
So you've been to every planet in the universe?

Milo: I sure do
*lens close to her and smile*
I'm sure you can see it with me

Yeah, uh, you know what me and Adalie I are kinda busy right now. As in us, hang out with each other

Milo: Oh well, have fun, you two
Oh, and Adalie

Adalie: Yes!

Milo:*hands her a paper*
Let me know if you need anything else

Adalie: Oh, I will. Thanks

Milo: Good
Later, Angel


N pov

In my room pacing back and forth, I think about that Milo guy who flirts, talks, and looks at her. I was so mad that he was trying to take all the attention away from me to get Adalie's. Til J comes in and sees me in my bad mood moment

J: Hey N- Whoa!
*sees my pacing back and forth*
Everything okay?

N: J, nows not the time right now

J: Did you two have a fight?

N: No
It's just him!

J: Him what?

N: That Milo guy!
*groans loudly*
Firstly, he just met her and secondly he doesn't know that me and her are dating!

J: Okay, Romeo, calm down. I get that you're jealous of that guy. I mean, come on, you know he's just her friend, right?

But Milo is...
Okay, deep breath
And then let it out
Alright, maybe I'm getting overreacting. I mean, it is not like he's going to kiss her, right?


N: Right?!

J: ...

N: Okay, I'm going to find Adalie
*left the room*

In the hallway as N was about to find Adalie, but he was stopped to see Milo coming at his way

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