Chapter 33: Wedding Party Crash

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Adalie told her family about her engagement. They were excited about it and wanted to help plan the wedding her mom and Herbert did the wedding plan while everyone else is celebrating couples' engagement, and Maya kept hugging and kissing her daughters face repeatedly lovingly

Maya:*hugging and kissing Adalie*
Oh, mi dulce angelito bebé
(Oh, my sweet little angel baby)
Casarse en su primer día. ¡Ay dios mío!
(Getting married on her first day. Oh my god!)
My baby~

Adalie: Mom, please, you're squeezing me too tight

Maya: Oops!
Sorry sweetie
I am just so happy that you found the man of your life to love
*scream of joy*

Adalie:*covers her ears*
Mom, the loud noise me I don't like

Maya: Oh, sorry, hija(daughter)
So, how's your baby?

Adalie: Well, it's been 5 months now, so...
I'm getting there

Maya: Oh, I can't wait to be a grandma to the sweet angel!

Adalie: Well, you are gonna be a great grandma, mom, and I will be the best mom ever like you

Maya: Ay hija
(Oh, daughter)
*embrace each other*

Adalie pov

I was at the hotel with my cousin, my aunt, my mom, and 3 of my drone friends in the restaurant, celebrating my engagement with N. They've drink alcohol while I drink soda, which is better for me because alcohol is not good for me

Reina:*lift her champagne in the air*
I propose a toast.
To my lovely cousin who is about to be married to the greatest robo-man ever~

All of us: Cheers!
*cling our glass together*

Amber: Now, on our next list of our girls' nights, is to do shopping, go to spa, movies, and party ~

All of us:*scream in excitement*

N pov

We guys hung out at the bar drink while I only drank oil, but that's was okay because one of her uncles was getting a little bit drunk from drinking

Fred:*shouted loudly*
*wrap his arm around my shoulders*
Alright, I will toast to his guy!
That will be the man of the family!
To my fucking loving niece!
*drinks the whole voka*

Diego: Jesus dude, drink too much, and you'll be out as a light

Fred: Ego
I-I used to drink alcohol all~ the time, so I'm -
Oh fuck...
*faceplate on the table*

Oh man I knew it!
He always does that, gosh!

N:*nervously chuckles*

Diego:*pat my shoulder*
Come on, amigo, you're getting married. Be happy!

N: I am!
I'm happy!
I'm just nervous about the wedding stuff you know

Diego: Yeah
I know
I remember when Daniel was nervous about what gonna happen on his wedding
Until he told me
That he has to be brave and bold
And he did that to marry my sister
So don't worry about it, chico

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