Chapter 25: Kendrick History

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【September 4th, 3041】

In somewhere in the state of New Mexico, a mansion of the Kendrick family was lived. There are 5 family members that are Wildon, his wife Diana, and his three children named Daniel, Fredrick, and Amber. Unfortunately, Diana died from brain cancer, and Wildon couldn't pay for her health insurance, so he and his children were all that's left. Days Later Wildon was not a good man, husband or father he was an evil greedy monster and he never loved anything but money and power. He even tried to hurt these children, but Daniel fought back at his father with one punch and called the police and never saw him again. Then Daniel and his siblings were forced to live with his aunt Ashley, the sweetest woman that ever lived. She did all she could to help them find a better life in the world, but Daniel still has trauma from his past and decided to seek the therapist to heal his mind off from his past.

【5 Months Later 】

At prison, the alarm sirens were heard and realized Wildon broke out of prison to finish his job on killing his son and his siblings. He ran and journeyed far to find them until something fell from the sky and landed in the straight direction. He walked towards it and saw a normal meteor as he got closer and saw an alien looking creature. He grabbed and ran off out of the woods than reach to the motel, where he placed the creature on the bed to take a closer look at it. Then he went to the restroom to shave his face and dye his hair brown to hide from the authorities that were hunting him. He came back and noticed that the creature was gone, and then out of nowhere, it pounces at him and crawls inside of him as he blacks out. The next day, he woke up from the floor and looked around as he heard a phone ring. He held out his hand, and then a strange symbol appeared and crushed the phone as he gasped and backed away from it. He felt so different since the creature went inside of him, but he started to train himself in order to control his abilities. As he got the better of using it, he managed to use his for his own gain of true power as he grinned madly happy and started to laugh madly. Days passed, and he began to drink oil and then eat human flesh and machine parts as he shifted his body in fresh and metal, turning himself into a demonic monster in disguise. He then plans on coming back to prison and earning his life sentence in 5 years, and still then, he was released and went to therapy and built a church for money again. Then he sent out a signal from space to bring more of those creatures to come to earth to help him with his purpose of revenge. And that's was one who took one worker drone named Cyn as a host and killed everyone at the mansion where the Elliots lived and killed everybody in the city. Although he managed to save a few more and sent them to the rocket to space and watch earth destroy. He then noticed a man who went up to him, introducing himself as Herbert Western, and that how he and Wildon became partners on building Aerol City.

【January 1st, 3058】

Herbert noticed Wilson's strange behavior and started to see his appearance differently as he followed him to the basement he then saw Wildon with his body twitching and his bones cracking til he saw his chest open, revealing the alien creature that possessing him as he was trying to back up his phone rang and Wilson's head turn gruesome like a owl and Herbert take him and ran off. Now Herbert is being hunted down by the man who made a deal with a devil inside of Wildon Kendrick.

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