Chapter 35: Born Battle

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Adalie is now fully pregnant and was excited to see her child visiting the world for the first time ever. She has never been happier in her life, hoping that she and her husband will love their child with all their hearts.

Adalie pov

I was in my room reading my Bible as my lovely husband came home from work with a sunflower in his hand

N: Honey, I'm home

Adalie: N!
How's work?

N: Aw, y'know same as usual
I came home early today
*hands me a flower*
I wanted to bring you this

Adalie: Oh, N
It's beautiful
You're so sweet

N: So~ how's my little angel doing?
*Place his hand on my belly*

Adalie: Doing fine
Though it's only a matter of time before she's born

N: Hehe
*get on his knee & lay his head on my belly*
Daddy can't wait to meet you

And mommy can't wait too
*pet his head gently*

°•○●At The Garden●○•°

I was outside by the water fountain and heard Nori

Nori: Hey, what's you doing here alone?

Adalie: Oh, I'm just waiting for you

Nori: Really me?

*sat next to me*
What do you want to talk to me about?

Adalie: Well...
I wanted to ask you something
*Hold her hand in mine*

Will you and Khan be the godparents of my child?


Y-You want me to... be the..... godmother?!

Adalie: Yeah, that what I wanted to ask you
So will you?

Nori:*tears slide down her face*


Yes, of course I will!
*hug her*

Me & Nori:*crying & giggling*

In the city of Aerol, the people celebrate the day Jesus was born as Herbert gave the morning announcement.

Herbert: Greetings, people of Aerol, and Merry Christmas
Today, we celebrate the birth of Jesus as he loves us and God as they we love them most
To give the gift of love
Gift of friends
And birth
Now, let's celebrate the year of the holiday season with our hearts

As the people cheered, a strange light came down from space into the city it was a black glowing light as if it was made into darkness, then changed to a girl with a scared on her face with fang like teeth

As the people cheered, a strange light came down from space into the city it was a black glowing light as if it was made into darkness, then changed to a girl with a scared on her face with fang like teeth

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