Chapter 14: Adalie Met Nori

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Adalie pov

【January 11th, 3063】

After moving here in Copper 9, my family and I started to unpack stuff that we brought from earth. Though it's not fun for us but that's how life takes us to new life and stories. Then my dad took me to his work to see what he and his co-workers do here. I was amazed by all the technology and gadgets, but I started meeting two drones that work here accidentally and drop some boxes here as I walk up to help them.

Adalie:*smiles* Here, let me help.
*Pick up the boxes*

???:Thank you...

???:Спасибо(Thank you)

Adalie:*giggle* Your welcome
Say, what are your names?
My name is Adalie

Nori: Nori..


Adalie: Those are pretty names.

Intern Man: Hey, you two get those boxes to the lab!

Nori:*sigh* Well, that's our queue and....
It was nice meeting you...

Adalie:*giggle* It's was nice to meet you as well
I hope we'll see each other again

Bite Me!
*runs off*

Yeva:*waves at me and left*

Daniel: Adalie, come on, we're going home.

Adalie: Coming, Dad!
*run up to him*

【January 17th, 3063】

Since Adalie met Nori and Yeva, they started to hang out with each other and started to become friends they're very close even though her dad's interns were mean to the other worker drones, but Adalie see those drones as living beings that are known to have their normal life in the world as she visits them again they hangout in a empty lab room chatting and talking when ever they're on their break time.

Adalie, Nori, and Yeva:*laughing*

Adalie: My brother is very good at pranks sometimes but always getting into trouble.

Nori: Man, I wish that I could meet him. Maybe he can prank those jerky interns

Yeva:Идиот, ее отца уволят, ты это знаешь!
(Idiot, her dad will get fired by him, you know that!)

Adalie: She's right, y'know
But don't worry, I'm sure they'll learn their lesson from my dad and his boss


Adalie noticed that Nori was looking at her arms and legs for a minute before she spoke.

Adalie: Nori?


Adalie: You okay?

Nori: Bite Me!

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