Chapter 15: Lost in Space

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In the depths of space, N woke up and realized that he's in space and the planet was destroyed but found himself in a bubble force field and sees Adalie floating and her eyes glowing as he gets up and tries to wake her up.

N: Adalie!
*shakes her, but nothing*
Wake up!
Adalie, please snap out of it!
Wake up, please!
*turns and sees the corrupted planet*

N was horrified that he lost everything, including V and Uzi. Now, all he has is Adalie, which is trapped in her mind to keep the force field up until a spaceship comes out of nowhere stopped.

J flying out of the ship as she push them towards the ship as they were inside, Adalie's mom ran up to them and touched the force field, and then the force field disappeared, and she was out cold

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J flying out of the ship as she push them towards the ship as they were inside, Adalie's mom ran up to them and touched the force field, and then the force field disappeared, and she was out cold.

N: Adalie!
*caught her*

Sally: Sissy!
*ran up to Adalie*
Where's Daddy and Brother?


Sally:*crying and sobbing*

Maya: Oh honey...
*holds Sally*

Fred: Here I'll get her to the room
*Takes Adalie to his arms and leaves*

N pov

As Fred took Adalie to the room, I was still on the floor until I heard a voice.

???: N?...

N:*look up*


N:*ran up and hugged her tightly*
I thought... thought you were gone!

Uzi: Well... I guess not.
And I thought you and her were gone too...

Nori: Ahem!

N: Nori?!

Nori: Hey...

In the spaceship, N sat patiently for Adalie to wake up as Reina sat next to him.

Reina: Hey, you good?

N: Yeah...

Reina: She'll be okay
Adalie gets panic attacks all the time, but...
This is new, although she's sleeping well, meaning that she is not in a coma

Fred walks out and stands between them with news

Fred: She's gonna be fine
She is sleeping, and she'll be wake in an hour or so, but it's a good thing that Daniel's instructions were around for her in case something happens
So let her sleep for now
*walks away*

N pov

After Fred left, I went into her room and stayed by her side til she woke up, but I didn't know if she would or not, which scared me just to think of it.

N: Adalie, I hope you can hear me, but... I just.. letting you know that Uzi, Nori, and everyone else are okay and... you save me even though you have a panic attack back there, um...
Just be sure you wake up, angel... please.. I'll be right here waiting for you to wake up, okay?

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