Chapter 16: Two Souls One Body

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Adalie pov

After what happened with Uzi, I panicked, and then everything went white til I woke up in a strange place. It felt like a dream. I was in a field of sunflowers when a ball of light came right in front of me and spoke.

???: Hello, Adalie

Adalie: 😧

???: Don't worry, you're not dead
You're sleeping
I can tell you have questions for me

Adalie: *nod*

???: Well, for starters...

The light began to shine, bright reveling a humanoid female that was made in stars and shine like gold.

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I'm Theta

They've walked through the place filled with lights and stars that contain memories from their previous times.

Adalie: So... you're a princess back at your planet?

Theta: Yes
Though my aunt has got me so work up on being the queen and all
But my mother was... busy sometimes...

Adalie: Yeah, I know that feeling
But at least she's protecting the kingdom and her family

Theta: Yeah...
Though she wanted me to be wed by someone I didn't even know, which was unfair

Adalie: But you feel in love with someone?

Theta: Yes, but...
My mother forbade it
So I flee with my true love
But my mother started a war and I... sacrifice myself to stop her, and even though she's my mother
It's like I could never see good in her
*tears flowing*

Adalie: I'm sorry...
*wiped her tears away*
But at least you made good memories, right?

Theta: Yes, I do
Now, my husband and children can live their lives peacefully

Adalie: So why.. did you decide to live in me?

Theta: I didn't
Your father did


Theta: Your father was... trying to bring you back when he...
Took it too far and decided to plant my soul into yours
And he didn't tell you that, did he?

Adalie: No...
I'm so sorry... Theta!

Theta: It's okay. You didn't know
And I'm very sure he didn't too...

Adalie: But how come I...
How come I'm changing differently?

Theta: Oh, I'm a shape-shifter!
I can change into anything

Adalie: Really!
So, back there was shape-shifting?

Theta: Yes, but you might need some training and some help with your ability of kine since we shared the same body

Adalie: You would do that for me?

Theta: Of course you have a pure heart, Adalie
Because I know you will do great things on protecting your loved ones

Adalie: Thank you, Theta

You're welcome, but you might want to get back to your family and friends
And someone else is waiting for you as well

Adalie: Okay, I hope we'll see each other again

Theta: Me too
I'll be patient for you

Adalie left her mind and went back to wake up to see her family, friends, and her loved one.

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