Chapter 13: Mass Destruction

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【December 31st, 3067】

In the exoplanet, humans still lived here, and there it was dark clouded rain weather. There was a church built, and the Sentinels were chained up they're were working on their program on the absolute solver, finding a way to remove it from the other drones as one of the workers spoke.

Ridley: Science is holding strong, sir!
*dramatic voice* Math...

As they've looked into their service for the database, a drone was chained up that was purple and has a name tag that says Nori as she woke up, her eyes were yellow, and she smiled insanely but one of the scientists noticed as the doctor said to teh worker.

Ridley: Dr. Chambers!

O-oh,no - I-I-I'm not...
*looked around and noticed a uniform that says Michael on it and whispered pointed that the name tag Chambers* Is this guy important?

Then the absolute solver broke free from its chains and throws a spear at the scientists, and he luckily dodged it but the scientists trapped it in the pentagram magnet and it started to malfunction as Ridley toss the named tag to the worker.

Ridley: Chambers

Chambers:*caught the name tag*

Ridley: Get 48!

Chambers: Right, so...
*chuckles nervously*
Is this a doctor-specific thing?

Ridley walked up to the infected drone with the crucifix USB fast drive as Chambers left.

Chambers: 'Cause I'm on it!

Chambers runs out of the church as he light his helmet and looked back at the drone that has it grinned at him and he got too close to the Sentinels that almost bite him as he yelps and was on his way to get 48 as he reached the lockers with numbers and names, he walked toward the 48 locker that said Yeva and opened it to see her, and he pointed at her. Then the tag said if he got the right drone and he did they ran up to the church as he opened the door and closed it behind Yeva as he looked around to see everything was fine as Ridley shouted.

Ridley: Chambers!
Get over here!

Chambers: Y-yep, um...
So, I...
Couldn't find 48?

Yeva heard as if he were trying to help her as she looked around for an exit. Chambers are still in the room full of scientists and workers.

Ridley: Whatever!

Chambers: R-right.
Here I...

Chambers kneeled down to look at the blood and noticed Ridley was injured, then realized that it was a hologram. It pulls Ridley to the air, shrieking screams as it kills her. The room starts to change back to its carnage nightmare as it raises up from the hole and walks to Chambers with a grin.

Solver: Thanks for the new host...
*uses it solver to take the crucifix from him*
*throws it to Chambers and kills him*

●○•°Flashback End°•○●
【February 15th, 3071】

At the abandoned laboratory was an absolute solver but small and purple holding a crucifix USB chilling and drinking oil crawling around to find out to stop this madness as it looks at the maps and jumps down, holding a pickaxe as it crawled away
As it left, a security camera picked up an elevator crashing.

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