Chapter 27: Heaven turns Hell

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Adalie pov

We've been hiding underground for days since what happened at the church. Herbert told us what really happened with my Dad and grandpa. I couldn't believe how he would do that to his own family and how he never helped grandma with her sickness, but my dad was a good man better than Wildon, my family was shocked by the stories as Herbert finished his explanation and looks down in shame.

Herbert: That's why he never told all of you about him, and now he's working with that alien to reach his power over everything in the universe.
And the people here believe his lies, and I'm going to stop him
But I can't do it alone...
It's your choice whether you help me or not

Adalie: ...
I'm in

Fred: I'm in

Diego: I'm in also

Maya: I'll help

Reina: I will, too

Amber: So will I

Khan: I'm in, too

Nori: And me

Uzi: Me too

Thad: I'm in, too

Lizzy: Me too

N: We'll help, too


Herbert: Thank you all
We should get some sleep
We've got a big day tomorrow

Herbert left, and we made ourselves comfortable with us, girl on the right side of the bed, and the boy on the left side of the bed as we slept.

On day one in the sewer, Adalie sees Herbert and goes up to him

Adalie: Hi Herbert

Herbert: Hi Adalie, what's up?

Adalie: Um, may I?

Herbert: Sure
*Adalie next to him*

Adalie: Tell me... why did my dad and you revive me?

Herbert: ...
Because you are his only happiness

Adalie: !

Herbert: Yeah
Though you were everyone's happiness
Including me

Adalie: And the energy core?

Herbert: He stole it before people could use it as a weapon

Adalie: What...?

Herbert: You're dad, try to save you, so he had to do the hard choice, meaning stealing the core from the government without anyone knowing
But he had to move you and your family to Cooper 9 before the disaster happened, and that's why he did it
He did it for you...

Adalie: Herbert...
What if.. the core... was exactly a soul?

Herbert: What did you mean by that?

°•○●6 Minutes Later●○•°

Adalie: And that's how I knew...
Theta was shocked as well as I was

Herbert: If you put it that way.. now I've really felt ashamed of what I did
And I didn't even know that...

Adalie: It's okay
You both didn't know
And I hope she understands that, too


Herbert pov

I gathered everybody in the room to explain the plan as I told them

Herbert: Alright, everybody, listen up
We are going on a dangerous mission, so here it is
N you and J go high while Uzi and Nori go low
N and J will fly up to eye view and take out the guards up top, then Uzi and Nori take out the other guards unseen
Reina will do her hacking to those security cameras as Fred and I sneek in to find his office to find that his plan is
Next is Adalie and Diego to steal the USB patch and get out quickly before everybody else sees
You all got it?

Everybody:*nod* Yes

Herbert: Okay, let's do this

At the church, the mission started as N and J flew above the roof unnoticed and knocked out the guards while Uzi and Nori used their solvers to knock them out. Reina did her hacking skills, and the cameras were looped, and then four others went inside while the other four kept watching over. They split up in a direction while Adalie and her Uncle Diego find the patch

Adalie:*whisper* Tío Diego

Diego:*whisper* The patch!
*Grab the patch*
Let's go -

Adalie: Uncle!

Adalie pov

Everything was black til I fluttered my eyes open and noticed I was chained up on an operative table, then turned to see my family and friends in handcuffs

Adalie: Guys!

Wildon: Oh, Adalie, Adalie
You are something arranged just like your father

Adalie: Don't you dare say that about him!

Wildon: You also talk like him
Like father like daughter
My, my

Adalie: You're not my grandfather, so how are you?!

Wildon: How can you tell?
You're quite smart, are you?
Though me and this alien made a deal to help them to help me
But never mind all that
What matters is that I can rip that core right out of you and use it as my own

N: Don't you touch her, you maniac!
*pain groan*

Adalie: N!

Wildon: Oh, still alive?
Well, you're luckily unlike Tessa...

J: Like... Tessa?

Wildon: Yes, that girl and her family didn't like my idea, but instead, I brought them a gift from my friends into one of their own worker drones
But sadly, they have to meet their end

J: So you... you didn't you...

Wildon: Haha... well enough stories, children now the the core is what I want now.
*press the button*

Adalie: Huh?!
*syringe stab her chest*
*gasp in pain*
*scream in pain*

Everyone:*yells and screams*

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