Chapter 22: It's so Heavenly Here... Not

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The next day, they are having breakfast, and it's been years since they have any real breakfast back at Copper 9. Though Ada wanted to ask Father Wildon but he spoke first

Wildon: My dear, you have a question for me?

Adalie: Uh yes, um....

Wildon: Oh, please call me grandfather child

Adalie: Grandfather, how come my dad never talks about you?

It's complicated.
Me and your father go way back since he was your age
And Fredrick was a 2 year old baby
While his sister Amber was newborn
We never had a good relationship before your grandmother died, so he left, and I... tried calling him. I even wrote letters to him, which I hope he read them or not
But I've tried to see my son but couldn't, so I built up a church to redeem myself
And help those who needed
Be clenched and forgiven by God himself

Fred: I thought he told us you were dead...

Wildon: Daniel wouldn't want you both to see me, and I understand why
I'm sorry for not being able to be there for you, Fredrick, and Amber

Fred & Amber: ...

Wildon: So after some unknown alien attack, I took it upon myself to save everyone I could to leave Earth before it's destroyed
But so many lives were lost
God bless their souls
Also, I came up with an idea to build a world where people and machines can live I harmony and peace
A place called home
Different from earth

Uzi: So you create Aerol City?

Wildon: Exactly
Anyway, I'm holding up a party for your welcome
And make up for old time sake

Maya: Like a royal ball

Wildon: Of course
God brought you all safely here to me
And now we can be a family I've always wanted and make up for. I've been living throughout my life

Fred: Sure thing... dad

Sally: Yay!

N pov

In the city, I was in the garden thinking about how Adalie was being flirted by that Milo guy. I was honestly jealous of him and how he was talking to her like he was planning on taking her out or something. But this feeling is so driving me crazy just to think about it.

 But this feeling is so driving me crazy just to think about it

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Adalie: N?


I'm sorry that I startled you

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