Chapter 12: Exoplanet's Core

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【 January 11th, 3063】

In space, the family is awed by the sight of stars, planets, and the whole galaxies.
Adalie was memorizing the beauty of the stars in space, reminded of her dreams she had back then, although she'll miss Earth, but she knows that her new beginning with the planet called Copper 9.
And Adalie can't wait to see her uncles, aunt, and cousin that are living in that exoplanet.

Adalie: Space is amazing!
There's so many stars to look at!

Sally: Oh, mommy, look Mars!

Mary: Oh, I see it!

Owen: ...

Mary: *looks at Owen*
Owen, I know it's hard to leave home, but it's going to be much better for us.

Owen: Yeah...

Adalie looks at her brother and places her hand on his as he looks up to her, smiling at him
He smiled back til the captain spoke

Captain: Attention all passengers.
Be sure to take your seats for light speed as we head to Copper 9.
Be sure to keep your arms and legs inside the seats at all times.

The captain spoke as everyone was seated, ready for light speed to start as the narrator commissioned countdown.

Narrator: All passengers are all seated and ready to head out to Copper 9 in 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... 0...
Commencing light speed now

As everyone takes off light speed, then stops at Saturn
The captain spoke.

Captain: Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived at Saturn, and on our way to Copper 9, you are free to stand up, but be sure to keep your luggage with you at all times.

Daneil pov

As we arrive in Copper 9, we exit the ship to see the planets' view

Daneil: Alright, everyone, stay together.
We don't want to get lost like last time

Owen: Yeah, like that one time Sally was excited to see a big fluffy teddy bear

Sally: What it was so fluffy!

Owen: Well, it made me waste my tickets to win it for you

Sally: It's so fluffy!

Daneil: Hey, how about we get to our new house and explore, okay?

Adalie: That's sounds great!

Suddenly, a loud honk came from a car showing Aunt Amber, Cousin Reina, Uncle Fred, and Diego as the kids ran up to them and hugged them.

Adalie: Uncle Fred and Tio Diego!

Fred: Whoa!
Look at you!
Same as ever, yeah?
I mean, look at you, a human-drone.


Diego: Dang!
You remind me of the terminator movie but in a badass way

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