Chapter 11: The Father's Guilt

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【 January 10th, 3063】

As the sun rises, Adalie wakes up to see her dad sleeping by her on the side of the bed with his head lying down by her feet

Adalie: Dad?

Daneil: *wakes up*
A-Adalie, hey, good morning!
Did you sleep well?

Adalie: Y-yeah, I-
*he hugs her*
Um, dad, you okay?

Daneil: Yeah, I'm fine.
Never better...

Adalie's dad has been acting weird lately as they went downstairs to the living room, then the kitchen to join the rest of the family

Daneil: Hey gang!

Maya: Oh good morning, you two!
Here you two have some breakfast
*pass food to them*

Adalie: Thanks, mom

Maya: Yes, baby
*kiss her forhead*
Alright, you kids get ready for school before you're late

Owen: Yeah...
*walks away*

Adalie: Is Owen okay?

Maya: Yeah, he's just tired, is all
Now you three do good at school!

Adalie & Owen & Sally: Bye

Adalie pov

At school, I was greeted by people from my class as I took my seat and did my homework
In the cafeteria, everyone is starting to stare at me weirdly and whispering stuff about something, but I choose to ignore it and sit on the empty table alone as usual, but one of the students went up to me and asked

Student girl: Hey, mind if I sit with you?

Adalie: Uh, yeah...
*she sits next to her*
I'm Adalie

Polly: Polly!
Say, are you, the girl that was involved in the terrible bombing incident?

I was silent, and I nodded, not looking at her in the eyes
Why would she ask me that?
Why would she be sitting next to me just to ask a question like that?

???: Hey, why don't you mess with somebody else?

A voice was heard as I looked up and was a girl
Is she standing up for me?

Polly: Hm... fine, whatever later loser

Polly walks away as I turn to the girl and who is younger than my brother, but she's only twelve years old

How did she get here?!

In high school!?
Is she smarter than anyone else here?

Adalie: Um, why would you help me?

???: Because I rather let someone get bullied and hurt than do nothing

Adalie: Thanks...
I'm Adalie

Tessa: Nice to meet you.
I'm Tessa
And I never seen a human-drone before?!
Oh, was I rude, sorry!

It's okay, I was human once, but my dad saved me

Tessa: Ah~
Say you want to hang out?
After class, I mean!

Adalie: Sure!

Daneil pov

At work, I was helping patients until police came and asked me

Officer Buck: Dr. Kendrick, I'm Officer Buck, and this is my partner, Officer Molly.
We would like to ask you for some questions if that's alright?

Daneil: (OO)
Of course...

I knew what I was getting myself into, and once we reached my office , we talked

Officer Buck: Now, Dr. Kendrick, have you heard of the energy core from the security building system that has been stolen?

Daneil: Stolen?

Officer Molly: Yes, and we thought that you would actually know about this?

Daneil: No, I haven't heard of it being stolen
Nor did I know any of it

The officers were silent for a moment as one of them asked

Officer Buck: Okay, so I heard about what happened to your daughter
It must've been tragic

Daneil: ...
Yes, it was... are we done here?

Officer Molly: No, I'm sorry about my partner here

Daneil: I think you thought that I stole it, and you're accused me of stealing one of the most energetic core in the universe
Even though I have not seen that, I have a family, and I just save my daughter from death, which I almost lost, and now you two come here and asked me that I stolen something from the government that I did not commit!

Officer Molly: Sir-

Daneil: You know what, get out...

The officers left, and my worst nightmare has come to get me and my family, so I only have one option
To leave earth and move to copper 9

Daneil came home in a hurry and asked his family to come downstairs to the living room

Daneil: Alright, everyone.
I have some important announcements
We are moving to Copper 9

Everyone: What!?

Owen: Why!?

Daneil: Because I have a job that's going to help us, and we'll be back on earth in no time

Adalie: For how long?

Daneil: Two months

Owen: Two months!

Daneil: Owen-

Owen: Great, now we're moving.
How great is that!

Maya: Owen!

Owen went up to his room angrily, and they rest of them were still in the living room

Sally: Are we going to space?

Daneil: Yes, we are

One day later, the rest of the family went to the rocket, and up to space, they went to start a new life
But as for Daneil, he will have his guilt haunt him for the rest of his life

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