Chapter 30: Figure Things Out Together

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N pov

In my room, I sat on my bed while stomping my foot repeatedly, remembering what just happened. I couldn't believe it that I'm going to be a dad, but the question is, how is she pregnant because I'm a drone and she's a human-drone, so I'm thinking of how it's possible? Til J walks in to check on me.

J: Hey, how are you holding up?

N: ...

J: Look, we're all shocked at what happened at the hospital and what happened at the theater, but you gonna chill out, dude
At least you're gonna be a dad, be happy

N: I am...
But how?
How is she pregnant if we only did it once
And twice
It's just...
It's impossible for me to be a father
And I want to be there for her
So I'll be there for our child

Then you might as well check on her
She's... processing things
So I recommend you see her
*left the room*

Adalie pov

°•○●In My Head●○•°

Adalie: So... is it a boy or girl?


Adalie: Really?

Theta: Yes

I'm glad
Though I'm.. scared

Theta: Why are you scared?

Adalie: I don't know if I'm ever gonna be a good mother?

Theta: Nonsense
You will be
Because you're a kind and caring person, Adalie

Adalie: Yeah, I guess you're right

Theta: ...

Adalie: What's wrong?

Theta: Adalie...
I'm fading away

Y-You can't fade away!

Theta: Adalie
For so long, I've been a part of you
Made me realize that there is so much beauty in life and how much you understand the death you've had to see the afterlife as I have
But now I know that being faded away means goodbye and how our memories will live on our lives

Adalie:*tears flowing*
How long?

Theta: Hours...

Adalie: I'm going to miss you, Theta

Theta:*hand place on my face*
As will I

Adalie has woken up from her meditation til she heard a knock from her door

N: Adalie?

Adalie: N?

N:*enter the room*
How are you?

Adalie: Okay...

N:*sat next to her* What's wrong?

Adalie: Are you mad at me?

No, no, I'm not!
Why would you say that?

Adalie: I thought that you would be mad at me if... you didn't agree on being a father...
*tear shed*

N: Of course I'm not mad at you
But I'm also scared of being a dad for the first time ever
Because I'm might be bad as a father

Adalie: Same

N: Then...
*Hold out his hand to her*
We'll figure this out together

*hold his hand*

N pov

Adalie told me that Theta was fading in an hour, so she wanted to put up a farewell theater, and she already told Herbert about it and allowed it

Adalie pov

After they fixed the theater room pretty fast, everyone was there, including my friends and family, as the currents opened, I took a deep breath and let it out, then Theta and I started to sing

After they fixed the theater room pretty fast, everyone was there, including my friends and family, as the currents opened, I took a deep breath and let it out, then Theta and I started to sing

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As the music stopped, the applause was heard by people cheering, and I know that I'm not alone because I have N

We'll figure this out together

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