Chapter 32: Meetings with A Star

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Adalie pov

I heard that they're keeping Weaver in a cell box where she was in was called the security prison station. I went there with Herbert and Uncle Fred just in case something happened as we went inside. We'd take the elevator down to the 10th floor and walk through the hallway to meet her

Herbert: Hey kid
As we get there, it is gonna be dangerous just to let you know
After you enter the door, you'll meet her face to face while talking
If something happens, you give the word, and we'll come and get you out of there, alright?


The door opened as I went inside the room and saw Weaver chained up as I sat in front of her by the table. Now, it is just the two of us alone, and she still glared at me

Herbert pov

Fred and I were on the other side of the investigation room, seeing through the mirror to see and hear them, but the blue girl was talking in some kind of language that I couldn't understand

Weaver: Isk'mern nernosktril trileskleth lethisk nerngrek yirtorkusk nernosk tril herfisk nerngrek!
(I'm not telling you nothing!)

Herbert: I don't think Adalie understands her -

Adalie: Isk weskaurek nern tril trilosk herfeskleth peth yirtorkusk
(I want to help you)

How did she know how to talk like that?!

Weaver: You speak our language?

Adalie: Yes

Weaver: ...
What do you want?

Adalie: Well, I want to tell you about your sister Theta

Do not say her name...

Adalie: Did something happen between you two?

Weaver: Is not of your business, Toy!
And how do you know her anyway?

Adalie: She lived in me

Weaver: What?

Adalie: She's living inside of me

Weaver: How?!

Adalie: It's a long story, but -

Weaver: Let me speak to her

Adalie: I can't...

Weaver: Why not -

Adalie: She's already gone

What did you mean?

Adalie: We share one body
Now, she passed her powers to me and disappeared

Weaver: You're lying...

Adalie: I'm not
*pull out a letter*
She wanted me to read you a letter that she asked me to write for her if... you wanted to hear it?

Weaver: ...

Dear Weaver,

If you're reading this, that means I've passed away greatly, so I'm writing this to you to tell you what really happened back then. Mother never really loved us so she wanted what's best for herself in life instead of us and I wanted to tell you and our siblings about it but I'm afraid that you'll take her side instead of mine. But I've fell in love with someone from out of space and wanted to be free with him and already have children with him but our mother didn't take it too kindly and plans to destroy the planet. So I did what I had to do, sacrificing myself for my family and the people of that planet. So I destroy her and myself because you've never forgiven me for that, which is why I understand that reason. But I love you and our family with all my heart, and may the stars guide you on your journey.

Your beloed sister,


Weaver pov

As she finished reading the letter, I was silent. Why would my sister do this to us to me.

Weaver:*tears flowing down my face*
Why, why, why, why, why, why, why.....
*breaks the table in half*
Everything we knew...
Is a lie for so.. long

Adalie: I'm so sorry Weaver...
But Theta wouldn't want you to be sad like your siblings
She cares about you and them
Even her people
Though I have her abilities
I can still feel her a part of me, and now
I'll use it to protect the people I love and care for
Including my child

Your... pregnant?

Adalie: Huh?
Oh yes, I am!
I don't know the gender yet...
But -

Weaver: Will you name them after her?

Are you sure?



Adalie went up and walked closer to me, then wrapped her arms around me as I stood there stock and eyes widened

Adalie: I guess...
That makes you my family, too

I was shocked at what she had just said, and now that I think about it, she does have her powers, but still, though

Weaver: But...
We're not.. related...

Adalie: So what
Family is about who you love
Not just someone you're born to
Family is family
Which makes you my family

It does

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