Chapter 6: Cabin Fever

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After they're date N takes Adalie home at 8 o'clock like her father suggested
She kissed N on the cheek and went inside the shelter with a smile on her face

Adalie: *Sign happily*

Owen: Let me guess, you two made out
*making kissing and mooching sounds*

Adalie: No, we didn't bozo
We just hang out.
That's all

Owen: Right~

Daneil: So Adalie, did you have fun?

Adalie: Yeah, we did.
Just went to the movies and hung out with the other drones
And N told me that They're going camping so maybe we could go there
Cause they're might be clues of what's happening with the Absolute Solver and stuff

Daneil: Hmm...
Well, we could see if theirs anything that might relate to this solver and the girl drone
When is the camp trip?

Adalie: In 4 days

Daneil: Alright, so me, you, and Owen are going okay?

Adalie: Yes, sir

4 Days Later

Uzi pov

The bus reached camp 98.7 as it stopped all students came out of the bus as I stood there then walked straight to the cold winter night
looking at the sight of the collars in my hand and the camp that my dad showed me when he met my mom


Khan: After the core collapse, I didn't notice the collars
Only that your mom was a catch


I give my dad an 'wtf' look as he shows me the closet where my mom had all those drawings that I used to have on my ceiling

She was always all, "Build doors against the coming sky demons!"
"The singularity awakens"
"Look at this cool S I can draw."
Turns out I'm not who either of you needed
Just be safe, okay?

He gave me mom's collar before I left.

Flashback End

I put the collar around my neck as I heard one of the students ask

Boy drone: Teacher, what is this trip?

Teacher: Yeah, Uzi's idea
Ask her
*flip his chair to sit*

Boy drone: Who?

Uzi: I've sat next to you for years
*everyone screams*
Bite me
I asked to go alone
He's mad at your test scores
*point at the teacher*

Teacher: No year-end bonus
No learning

Boy drone: So, we're just unsupervised

An impact sound landed in front of us as the smoke cleared, revealing N and V as Camp Counselors

N: Welcome campers
*pulls out a cardboard*
Let's sound off
One... two...

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