Chapter 37: Bloody Kiss

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【February 9, 3072】

Since New Year, Adalie and N have spent time together ever since then. Nori, Khan, and Uzi were in charge of taking care of Theta while they enjoyed their lovely romantic moments, but little did Adalie not know that N hasn't been drinking oil for some time now and it's getting worse as it is by putting Adalie in danger

Adalie pov


It was nighttime, and I was in the kitchen making dinner til I heard N walking in, moaning exhausting-ly and acting differently, which worries me

Adalie: ?
Oh, N, it's you...
What's wrong?
Some kind of glitch?

N: Hi -
Oh, um... V
Wait... Tessa?


N: Adalie, I immediately realized that it was you!
I'm fine -

Adalie: N!?
*caught him before he could hit the ground*
Oh my god, what's wrong!?
*Look at his vision screen*
High temperature?
So fast?

I wasn't sure he's okay or something. Why would N hide this from me? He couldn't hear me, and I was so scared by seeing him like this. I was a fool for not noticing... that he stopped drinking oil recently, but I didn't even think about the fact that I couldn't live with myself if he hadn't been drinking oil for so long. So as I lifted my wrist to my mouth, I bitten down, ignoring the pain as I sip some oil in my mouth since I drank oil too and held his face close to mine.

Em... Ad-dalie,
You should leave,
But don't be afraid for me
*holding his clawed arm*
What are you...
*connect my mouth to his*

As my lips were on his, he finally calmed down and kissed me back. We kissed for a minute til we pulled apart and looked at each other.

Adalie: N...
Why didn't you say anything?

N: ...

He wasn't saying anything, so I got up, and he did too as I took his hand and guided him to our bedroom and sat him down.

N: Look, Adalie, if I wanted to be angry with me, I understand.

Adalie: No... I'm not.

N: You're not? Then -
What are you doing?

Adalie:*removing my shirt*
N, you still need oil, so I thought I'd give you mine instead

No, no!

Adalie: I need you to drink from me please -

N: Actually, if you insist on me, I have an idea
*held his hand to me*
*pull me to his lap*
Would you allow me to drink your oil while you drink from mine?

Um, um, um!?
I um... w-why drink...

N: It could, at least for us, so I don't go rampage through the colony

Uhhm... y-yeah rampaging would be bad, fine let's try it.
*pull down my bra strap from my shoulder*
Go easy on me and gently?

N: I promise to be as gentle as possible.
*tilt my head and len his head on my neck*
But if it gets too much, just say the word, and I'll stop.

Adalie: OK

N kissed my shoulder and then bites down as I moan in pain, then I started to bite down his shoulder as we drank each other's oil but to be honest he taste so sweet as I kept drinking.

N: Ngh...
Is this okay?

Adalie: Mn'nh

N: Ooh, Robo-God...

Adalie: N...
*removed my mouth from his shoulder*
I think I'm good now
Are you good, N, or are you still overheated?

N: Yeah, I'm good. That worked surprisingly better than I thought.

Adalie: Good.
But why didn't you tell me what's wrong?

N: Because...
I can't stop thinking about what happened back at...
The Copper 9

Adalie: !
Oh, N
It's not your fault -

N: Yes, it is...

I couldn't protect V, Owen, your dad
I couldn't protect Tessa!



I couldn't protect you from your grandfather!...

*crying on my shoulder*

I'm sorry...
I'm so sorry!...

*sobbing while holding me*

I knew something was wrong with him he's been depressed since then and worries that I would be gone too.

Adalie:*holds him close to me*
Please don't blame yourself for anything that happened
You did what you could
If anything, I was blaming myself too

N:*looks at me*

Adalie: Of what you've just said to me
But I realize that when you lose someone you love their not completely gone they watch you even if you can't see them.
Sometimes, I feel like their still with me, and whenever I feel sad, I have people who are still here with me, and the people who have passed away still live in my heart
So promise me you won't do that again...

N: I promise
So... you forgive me?


N: And you know what that means?
*pulls me to bed*
Tackle hugs!

Adalie: Ahh! Ha ha ha ha!

N:*holds me close to him*
Heh heh
We got a little time before our time before we met your family

Adalie: Sure
Cause what happened last time!

N: Heh, sure...
*climb on top of me*
Thank you for changing my life for the better
*Place his hand on my cheek*
I love you so much, Adalie

Adalie:*kiss each other*
I love you too, N

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