Chapter 7: Home

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At the bunker, Adalie and her dad visited Uzi to help N and V with their memories as Adalie was joined to help with the hacking for Uzi

Adalie: I've never done this hacking before.
Will it hurt?

Uzi: I don't know for you, but I'm sure it won't

Daneil: I'll do what I can to find the missing files in your data
It should take some time to restore both of your memories in no time

N turned to Adalie, who was looking down sadly as he grabbed her hand and said

N: It'll be fine

Adalie: I know it's just... what if this doesn't work?

N: Well, when theirs a will theirs a way right?

Adalie: *smile*

Uzi: Alright, you guys ready?

N: Yeah
*kiss Adalie on the cheek*
Good luck

Once they are getting ready, Adalie focus on her breathing, and then her mind was warped into their data to find their memories

N pov

I remember that I lived in a mansion with a rich human family.
I was a worker drone just like V, J, and Cyn. 
Then I was in the library reading a book about dog breeds

N: Commonly kept, this breed is known for it's friendly, intelligent temperament and soft golden coat
*laugh and turn the page*
Golden retriever are also-
* Noticed the drawing of me, V, and J*
Us as lizards
J drew herself
*toss the picture away, then notice V standing in front of me*
Ahem, Are also known for having gentle mouths
Oh, that's why they're so good with kids

Suddenly, a loud thunk was heard from the basement as I stared it with eyes widening.
I shook my head and left the library

At the bar, a robo-bug was crawling towards a teacup drinking oil from it as it was stabbed by a solver

Cyn: Stab

Then it noticed N walking in and spoke

Cyn: You seem upset, big brother, N

N sees an unknown creature as lightning struck to reveal a worker drone known as Cyn

Cyn: Perhaps you'd like to attend the gala with me
Light sip
*drinks tea in a wrong way*

N: Oh, not sure we're invited, little buddy
Why not just hang with me?
*cleans glass and toss it*

Cyn: Climbing crisscross applesauce
Am I not wanted N?
*Puts her hand on her head*

N: Dude, you know it's Tessa's folks

He was about to clean the tray as it got blood drip on it
As he wiped it off, he stared at the reflection of a sign that said
"BASEMENT NOW!!!>:(>:(>:(

He got scared and threw the tray through the wall, then looked at Cyn

N: Ugh, don't gimme those eyes.

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