Chapter 4: Promening

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After what happened at the bunker, Adalie and her family were talking about the unknown absolute solver program user who tried to kill her and the other drones of finding a host for it but now that it saw her it will stop at nothing just to take her as a host for it's plans

Daneil: This is bad!
If this program is trying to destroy everything that it already did, then more lives are at stake as it is now!

Fred: So what are we gonna do?

Adalie: Yeah, if it tries to destroy the universe as it almost did to this planet, then we have to stop it right now before it more lives are harmed!

Owen: We don't even know where to start?!
If that thing is stronger as it is, then we need to think this through before taking this action to make it own ways!

Daneil: That's right, we destroy this program , save the universe, and go back to earth, but one thing is for sure where do we even start?

Adalie: Maybe try to find clues at the bunker and find out where it comes from through building a factory or somewhere in this eco-planet, then destroy it for good

Daneil: Sounds like a good idea
Now me, Fred, Diego, you're with me
Adalie, Owen, Reina, and Amber, you four go to the bunker to grab N to help you on this
We'll do this tomorrow with the investigation of this matters at hand

Everyone got that?

Everyone: Understood

Daneil: Oh, and I almost forgot Adalie, Owen, and Reina
You three feel like going to prom?

Adalie: Prom?

Owen: What prom?

Reina: Like prom school?

Daneil: Yep!
Also, Adalie, your mom made you a dress along with your brother and cousin, too

Adalie: Really?

Daneil: Yes, and I'll be coming too
Just to meet everyone
Even Uzi's dad, too

Adalie: ...

Owen: Well, it's been years since we been to prom, so I'm down!

Reina: Me too!

Adalie: Okay, so let's go see N to see if he wants to come!

Owen: Oh~ asking your boyfriend out~

Adalie: *blush*
Owen stop he's my friend, not boyfriend!

Owen: Then why are you blushing?

Daneil: Owen, stop teasing your sister and get ready

Adalie pov

I was in the bathroom getting ready for prom as I was finishing my mom knock on the door, asking

Maya: Honey, you finish cariño?

Adalie: Yeah!

My mom opened the door to see me in my dress beautifully stunning

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