Chapter 17: Reunion

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N pov

It's been hours since Copper 9 was destroyed, and Adalie still hasn't woken up from her sleep I was starting to get worried that she won't wake up as I still waited for her she started to move I turn my head to see that Adalie has woken up and my sensors eyes start tearing up as I smile in relief.

N: Adalie!
*hugged her*
Oh, thank robo-god!
You're awake!

Adalie: N...
*hugs him and cried*
Oh, N...

As we embrace lovingly then Sally came in and ran to her sister, then hugged her

Sally: Sissy!
*hugged her*
You're awake. I'm so glad!

Adalie: Sally!
*hugged Sally*

Then her whole family came in, and they grouped hug with me in it. We were so happy that she's back and okay

Adalie pov

We group hug for a minute until I spot someone behind the door my eyes waiden to see Uzi and Nori alive as I got off the bed and walk toward them then hugged them with tears streaming down my face and smiling happily.

Adalie: Uzi! Nori!
Oh goodness, you're alive!
I'm so glad you're both okay!

Uzi:*cry and hug me*
Yeah... me too!

Then I see Thad and Lizzy, and they join in for a hug

Thad: Ada!
You're okay!

Lizzy: Thank robo-god!

We hugged for a second, then saw more drones on the ship, including Uzi's dad and J, too
I was so grateful that everyone was okay and safe

Adalie: I'm very glad that everyone is safe
Though I'm sorry that the planet was destroyed...

Maya: Don't worry, sweetie. We'll find us a new home for all of us

Diego: Yep
All of us

I smile and look at everyone, hoping that we find a new home together
All of us

Robotic Heart (N x Autistic Hybrid Fem!ReaderOc)Where stories live. Discover now