Chapter 19: The Unknown Planet

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Adalie pov

My eyes flutter open as I wake up from my sleep and see N still sleeping peacefully until I get up from my bed and change my clothes

Seeing everyone managed to help out in the ship the drones are very helpful on contained oil and spare parts for their fixer ups while J went out in space to locate a new planet for us and my uncles are piloting the ship

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Seeing everyone managed to help out in the ship the drones are very helpful on contained oil and spare parts for their fixer ups while J went out in space to locate a new planet for us and my uncles are piloting the ship. My aunt and cousin are helping my mom with food and supplies, but Sally was in her room because of what happened at Cooper 9. I feel sad for my little sister being depressed and sad as I went up to her room to check on her

Are you in there?

I walked in and saw Sally looking at stars throughout the window with a sad face as I sat next to her

Adalie: You doing okay?

Sally: ...

Adalie: Look, I know that.. we lost dad and Owen, but... I understand that you hate me for not protecting them -
*Sally hugs me*

It's not your fault...
*left her head up and stared at me with teary-eyes*
I'm scared that I'll lose you and everyone else, including the drones.. I'm scared Sissy!
I don't know if I'm brave enough!

Adalie:*comforts her*
It's okay...
You won't lose, no one, okay?
And Sissy will make sure that all of us live a life we want
Even though I'll have my last breath to fix it for you and everyone here

Sally: Promise?

Adalie:*my pinkie holds hers*
I pinkie promise cross my heart and hope to die


Me and I lay in bed, cuddled together comfortably as she smoothly slept by me singing

N pov

I woke up and saw Adalie not here as I sat up and dressed up to see everyone else was doing. I see Uzi and her family having their time together and these other drones, too
I saw Maya, Reina, and Amber doing food supplies and gears with the drones' help. J hasn't been back since she left to find a new planet for us. As I walked down to the hallway, I heard a voice like someone was singing til I reached the door, revealing Sally and Adalie cuddling in a bed together, seeing Adalie singing her sister to sleep

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