chapter sixteen

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"I'm so glad that we're finally not gonna have any math classes again, ever." Nick murmured.

Matt, Nick, and Chris were walking to their first period class, geometry. They all decided to take their very last math class together, and this was the last required math they needed to take to graduate.

That was always Chris's goal, to graduate. As long as he was passing, then he was fine. It was pretty much the same for Nick and Matt too, although Matt did seem to care a little bit more about his grades and often put more effort in then both of his brothers did.

"Yeah. It's kinda weird though, I mean I hate math but still. We only have two more weeks until Christmas break." Matt agreed.

"God, I'm so excited that Christmas break is coming up. I'm so tired of this shit, I can't wait to sleep in every day." Chris chuckled, and Matt and Nick agreed with him.

"Yeah. School is exhausting." Nick nodded.

As the three triplets walked into their math class, they were told by the teacher that they needed a late slip.

"Oh come on, just let it slide this one time." Chris begged.

"This one time? This is now your third tardy this week in my class, and it's only Thursday. I don't think so. Go get a pass, move along now." Mrs Litch replied sternly, not budging.

The three boys sighed and left the classroom, off to go and get a pass.

"There's a reason why people call her Mrs Bitch." Nick muttered under his breath.

"I know right, she's so annoying. It's literally first period too, why do you care that we're late?" Matt agreed, rolling his eyes.

After they got their late slip, they all headed back to class.

Usually, Matt, Nick and Chris sat together in whatever classes they had together, but in this class Mrs. Litch moved Chris away from Nick and Matt due to the fact that they interrupted class from talking too much.

So while Matt and Nick sat together in the front, Chris was sitting in the back corner, next to Scarlet Hudson, known as Scar to everyone.

Chris didn't usually talk to her all that much, only to ask her about their homework.

She was a really popular girl, one that all the boys in her grade jumped for. With her long dark brown hair, her icy blue eyes, and the freckles on her nose, boys found her irresistible.

She wasn't all that nice though, as soon as she'd started to get popular she ditched all her old friends so that she wouldn't be seen with them. She wore different clothes, more makeup, and tried to fit in more.

She was the type of girl to act one way around a group of people, and a different way with different people. Whoever she was with, changed how she acted. Especially with boys.

In geometry the only conversations Chris and Scar had were just about the class, nothing more or nothing less. So, Chris was surprised to say the least when she started talking to him about something that was definitely not math.

"Hey." Scar turned to Chris, facing him and giving him a soft smile.

"Hey." Chris replied, and turned back to the lesson on the board.

"You know, I'm shocked we don't talk a lot." Scar said, and Chris turned back to her. He didn't think she was going to say anything else the first time, and so he had turned back to pay attention to the teacher.

Chris cocked an eyebrow. "Yeah? Well, we do sometimes."

"Yeah, but that doesn't count, silly. Every time we talk it's just about this stupid class." Scar shrugged.

Chris frowned. She had a point. "Your right."

"So, you wanna do something to change that?" Scar smirked, and Chris wasn't getting it.

Chris's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, which made Scar realize that he didn't understand.

"I mean, do you wanna hang out sometime? Just us?" She asked, and now Chris finally got it. She was flirting.

"Oh." Chris replied, not really knowing what to say.

He didn't know what to say, he'd just realized he liked Isla after all.

"Oh, come on. It doesn't have to be a date, unless you want it to." She shrugged, and the last part of her sentence made Chris's cheeks flush an embarrassing red.

"Well-" Chris started, but was interrupted.

"CHRISTOPHER STURNIOLO! How many times have I told you to be quiet today?" Mrs litch exclaimed dramatically, throwing hear head in her hands.

The entire class went silent.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. Won't happen again." Chris apologized.

"Very good. Now, continuing on, once you get the value of x.." Mrs. Litch continued, but Chris wasn't listening anymore.

"So, what do you say?" Scar asked.

She was pretty bold. She had no problem in just asking him to hang out, it was as if she'd done it a million times before. She probably had.

Chris didn't know how to reply. Should he say yes? Should he say no? Part of him thought that there was no point in saying no. Even though he knew he had feelings for Isla, those were feelings that he felt guilty for having. Those feelings that he hated with every ounce in his body, the feelings that he wished he could just push away.

But then he thought, why not try to? Why not try to push his feelings about Isla aside? He knew that nothing could ever happen between them, after all she did have a boyfriend.

"Okay. Why not." Chris smiled, and quickly handed his phone under their desk to scar so he could get her number.

~Scarlet Hudson (scar)~
age- 18
sign- Sagittarius
birthday- 11/28
Sexuality- Straight
Relationship status: single

___________________________________~Scarlet Hudson (scar)~age- 18sign- Sagittariusbirthday- 11/28Sexuality- StraightRelationship status: single~She/Her~

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For the first time ever idk what to put here so..!
Hope you have an amazing day/night as always <3
Love u!!


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