chapter twenty six

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Once Isla was ready for school, she walked outside to be met with the triplets in their car, waiting for her. She hopped in, and they drove to school together.

Once they got to the school and parked, Isla grabbed her bag and threw it over her shoulder.

She sighed. "God, I hate PE. I can't believe I have to have it as my first period. What a great start to my day!" She exclaimed in a sarcastic tone.

"Tell me about it." Chris mumbled, agreeing. "At least you have me, right Iz?" He flashed a grin.

She smiled back at her best friend. "Of course." She replied, and linked her arm into his.

"Alright, I gotta go to Language arts." Matt told the three.

Nick nodded. "Yeah, I've got.. science." He checked his schedule to make sure. "See you guys later." He smiled softly at them, and they smiled back in response.

Everyone's schedule had changed, since it was the next half of the year. Everybody had four classes every day, and Isla was bummed out because she had PE.

She had put taking the class off for a while, and now it was biting her in the butt. One of her last four classes of high school was now PE. As a Senior.

For Isla, it was required for her. Each student had to take two PE classes in order to graduate, but Isla only finished one of those years.

Chris on the other hand, had done two PE classes each year. He did them both half of the school years, and all of his teammates on his lacrosse team did too. Since they were all in the same class, the teacher decided to just let them use the class period to practice instead of doing the class normally with the rest of the students.

Most of his team decided not to do it this half of the year, but Chris still wanted to. He wanted to because he knew that Isla would have no friends in that class, and wanted to accompany her.

For one, the class was pretty small and included mostly freshman she didn't know. Secondly, Isla didn't have many friends and often had a hard time making new ones since she had anxiety and liked to stay in her friend group. Chris knew this, and wanted to make sure that she didn't struggle with that in this class.

The two walked together to their class, still arm in arm.

They separated from each other, in order to get to the locker rooms.

Once they both had changed into their other clothes, they met each other outside. The teacher did attendance, and then they had to run a mile.

Great, Isla thought. She was already in a pretty shitty mood today, and the fact that she had to run a timed mile wouldn't help at all.

That morning, she had woken up to the sound of her mom and step dad arguing. It was something about her mom wanting him to go to rehab, but her step dad refused. He said he was clean, and Isla's mom obviously didn't believe it for once second. She yelled at him, daring him to take a drug test to see if he was actually lying.

He denied the test, of course.

Of course he did, Isla thought to herself. That was the way he always was. He would deny the test, and deny the help rehab could provide to him.

He was always like this. She shouldn't be shocked at all, since she was used to this.

But she wasn't shocked, she was disappointed.

She knew though that in order to get clean and stay clean of drugs, you have to actually want to do it. If your forced into rehab to better yourself, the chances of relapsing are much higher.

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