chapter thirty nine

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Chris watched as Markus drove off, with the girl he loved sat in the back of her ex's car.

He blinked back tears threatening to escape, as he realized he had just completely fucked up. There was no going back after this one.

How could he even begin to apologize? He had left her right away, to apologize to Scar. And he knew that he was lying when he said it wasn't what it looked like. He felt the lie throughout his entire body, as he denied everything to Scar right in front of Isla.

As he walked back into the party, the first thing he thought was: I desperately need alcohol.

And so he picked up another red solo cup, grabbing the nearest liquor he could find. What it even was, he didn't know. But he didn't care.

He just needed to drown out his thoughts again. The few cups he had drank earlier wasn't enough for him, he thought, as he chugged down the last bit of his drink.

After an hour of just straight drinking and talking to random strangers, Matt and Nick found Chris.

"Oh my god, we've been looking for you like all night. Apparently nobody can find Isla, everyone's freaking out." Matt sighed of relief.

"Iz? Oh, yeah. She left with Markus." Chris said numbly.

Both Nick and Matt's eyes went wide, and they shared a look.

"Um, about how drunk are you right now Chris?" Nick asked.

"Me, Drunk? Pfft." Chris slurred on his words, and Nick and Matt shared a look once again.

"Yeah.. no more of that tonight." Matt took Chris's cup out of his hand.

"Hey! That's mine, you can't just take it." Chris glared at Matt, trying to take back the cup.

Matt put it farther from Chris's reach, and Chris eventually gave up.

"Jeez, your wasted." Nick muttered under his breath, and Matt chuckled.

"Let's get you home, kid." Matt patted Chris on the back, and slung his arm around Chris's shoulder.

Matt went with Chris to say goodbye to Jay, while Nick grabbed a few bottles of water for Chris to drink later.

Once Nick came back, Matt was by the front door, his hand on Chris's shoulder. Nick followed Matt and Chris to their car, getting in silently.

Once they got in, Nick handed Chris a bottle of water without saying a word.

Chris looked back to him. "What's this for?"

"Oh, it's just to throw out the window." Nick shrugged sarcastically.

Chris began to roll down the window, and Nick stopped him. "You fucking dumbass, I didn't mean to actually do it." He mumbled under his breath, and Chris frowned.

"Drink the water though, it'll help you sober up." Nick said, and Chris nodded, downing the bottle in a mere second.

Once they pulled up to their house, and everyone got out, Chris stayed in.

"Cmon, Chris." Matt opened Chris's door.

Chris looked down, a sort of stressed look on his face. "Can we go through the back door?"

Matt looked over to Nick for a second, a confused look apparent on his face. "Yeah sure. Why?"

"I don't want mom to see me like this." He mumbled, looking down.

Nick nodded. "Sure, buddy."

Chris got out of the car, and stumbled for a second. Matt stopped him though, grabbing his arm.

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