chapter twelve

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Chris had been in a weird funk for a whole week. He hadn't talked to Isla since Thanksgiving night, even when she woke up in the morning at his house he didn't say a word to her. He ignored her, because the second he would look at her he got this aching feeling in his heart. Every time he looked in her direction, his breath hitched, and his chest sank. He'd never felt like that before, and he didn't know what was causing it, and why he was only feeling it with isla.

Because of this, he didn't talk to her. He'd been in a weird mood all week, and it was apparent to everyone. His parents kept checking in on him, and over and over again he would say he was fine.

Fine, fine, fine fine. I'm fine.

Lately Chris had found himself saying that to his brothers too, as they were worried for him also. Every time, he tried (and failed miserably) to push their worries away.

Even in class, he couldn't pay attention. He never really enjoyed school, but even for the parts he knew he needed to listen to, he couldn't. His mind went blank. All of his thoughts traced back to his best friend, and that night.

Chris was laying in his bed, staring up at the wall when he heard a knock on the door that put him out of his trance.

"Who is it?" Chris asked.

"It's Nick and Matt. Can we come in?"

Chris hummed in response.

The door opened, revealing a worried looking Nick and Matt. As they walked in, Nick sat on the edge of Chris's bed and Matt sat in Chris's chair next to his desk.

"What's up? Are we having some kind of cult meeting or something why are you guys silent." Chris chuckled.

"Well.. we wanted to talk to you about something." Nick said, hesitantly. It seemed like he had to choose his words carefully.

"Okay... so what's up just say it." Chris rolled his eyes, as he sat up in his bed.

"Well, we're just a little worried for you. You've been zoning off a lot, especially in class. Mom and dad got a email from your teacher saying to check up on you. We're all worried, but we just want you to know that if there's something wrong you can come to us, okay?" Matt said, giving his brother a small smile.

"There's nothing wrong. I don't know why you guys are saying there is." Chris mumbled.

Nick sighed. "Yeah, that's what I thought you'd say. Well if there's something wrong and you wanna tell us we're always here."

The two began to walk out of his room, until Chris stopped them.

Chris sighed. "Wait."

Matt and Nick turned around, curious to see if he would finally tell them what's up.

Chris shook his head. "It's so stupid."

Matt sat on Chris's bed next to him, and put his hand on Chris's shoulder for comfort. "No it's not, if it's been bothering you this long."

So he was really gonna do this. He was finally going to tell Matt and Nick about the weird thoughts that's been swarming around in his head.

"Okay. It was thanksgiving night, and everything was fine. Until when me and and Isla were decorating the Christmas tree, I don't even know what happened to me. It's like my body started to move.. towards her? If that makes sense."

Nick and Matt gave each other a look, which Chris didn't notice and continued on.

"It's like my body had a mind of its own. Like it was pulling me towards her, and when we were literally inches apart, I couldn't stop staring at her lips. I couldn't even think about what I was doing or what why going through my mind, it was almost like i was going to.. kiss her? Oh my god, it sounds so weird. I mean, isla?"

When Chris looked up, glad that he'd gotten all of that off his chest, he looked up to Nick grinning and Matt chuckling.

"What?" Chris asked.

"Oh Chris honey, you like her." Nick stated. He said it like it was a fact, like he was sure of it. It practically was a fact though. Chris liked Isla. It just made sense.

Chris sighed. "No I don't, you guys always say this. We're just friends. I should've never told you guys" Chris murmured.

"Friends? Are you serious? So you just go around almost kissing your friends? Chris come on." Matt deadpanned.

This got Chris thinking for a second. "No, I don't like her. I was a child then, I'm an adult now. I'm not falling for my best friend you guys are just delusional."

At one point, Chris did like isla. He was very young, very naive. At that age, it was just an innocent crush.

"Then why don't you like her?" Nick asked.

"Well.. I.. I don't know? She's my best friend, I can't."

Nick scoffed. "Says who? Besides, it's not something you just do. It's something you feel. You either like her or you don't, and it's pretty damn clear you do."

Chris shook his head.

"Then give me a reason why you don't like her like that." Matt said.

"I just don't. I don't see her that way. I mean, if I'm being honest she's really pretty though. Have you seen the way she smiles and her face scrunches up? I love her laugh too. It's cute. I love the way she dresses, never too fancy but never too casual. I love the way I can just be myself around her-" Chris stopped.

"Oh fuck. I like Isla." Chris practically whispered. The fact that he said it out loud made it feel real. Although, it was real before. Chris wasn't sure how he didn't realize this earlier, and he wasn't sure how long he'd had feelings for her. Maybe he never stopped.

"Oh my fucking god. I fell for my best friend." Chris murmured. Now that he thought about it, the situation was a little difficult.

"I cannot believe your just now realizing this." Nick deadpanned.

"Yeah it's pretty damn obvious." Matt stated, earning a roll of his eyes from Chris.

Nick thought for a moment. "Are you going to tell her?"

Chris had just realized not even two minutes ago that he felt like this, and now their asking him if he's going to tell her yet?

"I don't know. I'm kind of just in shock right now and I didn't think of that yet." Chris frowned. "What about Markus?"

"Pfft. Nobody likes Markus anyways." Nick shrugged.

Chris kind of felt bad for hating Markus, he didn't even do anything. He was a good boyfriend for Isla after all, as he took her on nice dates and treated her well.

"Well I don't I kinda feel bad for him. Besides, what if she doesn't feel the same way? What then? I can't just throw away the relationship that matters most in my life."

"Come on, chris. Have you seen the way she looks at you? The way she respects you and goes with anything you say. Anything you say, she'll believe it. She definitely feels the same way, no doubt about it." Nick said, hoping to hype up Chris.

Chris shook his head. "It's such a big risk though. And for what? If she doesn't feel the same way it's just going to ruin everything. It can never go back to normal after that."

"Kid, your overthinking it. Just tell her. If she doesn't feel the same way we'll be here for you of course, but if she doesn't that's her loss. Okay?" Matt rubbed Chris's back in circles to try and call him down.

Chris took a deep breath.

"Okay. Fuck it, I'm gonna do it."
I'm leaving you in suspense 😈
As always, love you and hope you have an amazing day/night!!
Until next time,


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