chapter seventeen

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"Soo, why were you and Scar talking in class?" Nick interrogated Chris, as they walked to lunch.

"Yeah. You two kept interrupting class, I swear I saw steam come out of Mrs Litch's ears in anger." Matt muttered, agreeing with his older brother.

"Oh. She uh, asked me if I wanted to hang out." Chris replied quickly, wanting to get over with this conversation. He knew Matt and Nick would interrogate him, and that they would ask about Isla.

Nick and Matt stopped in their tracks.

"What?" Nick chocked out, as that was all he could get out he was so shocked.

"Yeah. I gave her my phone number, but it's not a big deal." Chris shrugged.

"Scar? Scarlet Hudson? Scarlet asked you to hang out and you gave her your phone number? Chris, are you serious? What about Isla? And why the hell her out of all people." Matt shook his head in disbelief.

"I don't know, okay. She just asked me and I said yes! I didn't think twice." Chris groaned.

"Chris, this isn't healthy. Even though it may not even lead to anything, you can't just get Scar's
number after you just told us that you still have feelings for Isla. It's just wrong, even though you don't want to feel the way you do about her that doesn't change the fact that you do." Nick advised.

Chris sighed. "I know."



As Chris walked up to her doorstep, he could practically feel his heart beating out of his chest.

He'd gotten her flowers per Matt's request, and was about to finally tell her how he felt. He'd been crushing on her for a few months now, and had decided it was now or never.

As Chris arrived at her door, he looked back at Matt , Nick and his mom waiting in the car parked outside of the house beside.

Everyone gave him a warm smile, hoping to encourage him.

And it worked, and Chris felt better about it. He was finally going to tell her.

As Chris knocked on her door, he waited awkwardly for a few moments until she opened the door.

She walked out, and smiled at Chris without noticing the flowers he had in his hand yet.

"Oh. Hey Chris, what's up?"

"Hey, Scar." Chris greeted and Scar smiled at him, until her smile started to fade as she looked down to the flowers in his hands.

"Oh. I got you these." Chris held up the flowers in front of her awkwardly.

"Oh." Scar said. She didn't know what to say to him.

"I came over to give you these, and I wanted to tell you something." Chris smiled brightly at her.

"Well I-" Scar started, but Chris cut her off.

"Hold on. Just listen. For a minute, please." He said politely, "I wanted to tell you that I like you. I've liked you for a few months, and getting to know you these last months and getting closer with you has been amazing. But I wanna get closer with you. I want to hang out with you more, I want to know more about you. I want to be your boyfriend, if you'd let me. I'll treat you nice." Chris finished, smiling, until he saw Scar's face.

"Chris.. I'm sorry. But I don't feel the same way," scar continued, but Chris wasn't listening. He felt so unbelievably embarrassed, he read her wrong. He thought there was something between them, but he was wrong.

"Again, I'm sorry. I hope we can stay friends though because I enjoy talking with you, really." Scar sighed, and Chris could tell she was really sorry.

"Alright, me too. I'll see you at school tomorrow, yeah?" Chris asked, trying to not make this as awkward as it was currently.

Scar nodded, said goodbye then shut the door.

Chris sighed, and began walking back to his car. As he was walking, his mom and brothers could tell he was upset and it didn't go well. His head was down, but they noted that scar didn't take the flowers.

Since Chris's head was down, they couldn't see the tears beginning to form in his eyes. He was so embarrassed it made him want to ball his eyes out.

As Chris opened the door with his head still down, he set down the flowers that he was going to give Scar in his mom's car.

"Chris baby, I'm so sorry." Marylou shook her head, as she pulled her youngest son into a comforting hug.

As Chris fell into her arms, he found tears escaping. One after another, he tried to stop them. But eventually, he gave up and accepted it. His tears turned to sobs, and before he knew it he was sobbing into his mother's arms.

"Oh, baby." His mother sighed as Chris pulled away, and she wiped the tears from his face.

Matt patted Chris's shoulder. "I'm sorry Chris. It's her loss." He shrugged.

Nick gave Chris a sympathetic smile.

After that, Chris and Scar didn't end up talking. It began to get too awkward between the pair, and they slowly lost touch. They hadn't ever really talked until three years later, when Scar asked to hangout with him.


Short chapter I know- I'm sorry
We're almost at 300 reads.. that's crazy! I'm so unbelievably grateful for everyone who's read this
I love you guys <3
hope you have an amazing day/night!!


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