chapter forty two

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"I think I have an idea."

"What?" Delilah asked, looking to Matt.

"Okay.. so as you know, prom's coming up.." he trailed off, grin beginning to take over his face.

"Yeah..?" Delilah raised an eyebrow for him to go on.

"Chris could take Isla to prom!" He exclaimed, and Delilah frowned.

"Really? That was your bright idea?" She muttered, and Matt's expression faltered.

"Yeah. I think it's a good idea." Matt huffed.

"Whatever you say.." Delilah trailed off.

Matt rolled his eyes. "What's wrong with my plan?"

"Well, first of all; how will he even ask her if she won't talk to him at all? And second, I don't even think she's even going." Delilah shrugged.

"What? She can't just not go!"

"I mean, we were talking about it yesterday because I asked if she wanted to go dress shopping.. and well, she said she didn't want to go if.." Delilah trailed off once again, this time because she wasn't sure if she could say it.


"Nothing. It doesn't matter." Delilah shook her head.

"Oh my god, I hate when you do that." Matt rolled his eyes at his girlfriend. "Just say it."

"Fine. I don't know if you remember, but when Isla and Chris were really young, they always talked about going to prom together. In a platonic way though, of course, since they were only in elementary school. I remember in freshman year Isla told me about that, and she said that prom meant a lot to her, and especially who she was going with. She told me she 'wanted to be with the person she cared for the most.'"

"Wait- But you said she didn't want to go if she wasn't with Chris? Del, I was literally just saying he should ask her!" Matt exclaimed, frustrated.

"I know. But I'm saying that she wouldn't go with him, because she won't hear him out. I've tried telling her there's two sides of a story, and that listening to Chris may be useful, but she won't listen to me. It's practically no use at this point." Delilah sighed.

"Welp, we'll never know if we don't find out." Matt said quickly, and ran out of his room.

"What does that mean? Hey! Matt! What the hell." She mumbled, following Matt outside as he ran down the stairs.

Matt quickly ran down the stairs, so fast that he almost tripped. He went into the living room, Delilah catching her breath as she followed behind him.

Once Matt walked into the living room, he stopped. Delilah caught up to him, holding her chest as she caught her breath from running.

Matt didn't seem to be tired, though. He looked around the room, clearly looking for something. Once it seemed he didn't fin it , he then turned around and walked back up the stairs.

"Oh seriously Matt, you're not even going to say anything? Im getting tired of chasing you around." Delilah rolled her eyes, following Matt back up the staircase.

"You don't have to follow me." He shrugged.

"CHRIS!" He called out, and Delilah's eyes widened.

"Oh god, Matt. What are you doing." Delilah muttered under her breath.

"I'm in my room." A voice called out from Chris's bedroom.

Delilah followed Matt in, after Matt opened the door.

"What do you want?" Chris mumbled, in his bed, on his phone once again.

"Soo.." Matt walked in, closing the door behind him and sitting in a chair beside Chris's desk.

Chris turned to Delilah. "What's this kid yapping about?" He raised his eyebrows at her, and Delilah shrugged.

"I have something to talk to you about" Matt rolled his eyes at Chris's question.

"Then say it, dumbass." Chris chuckled, sitting up in his bed.

"Well, have you at all considered asking Isla to prom?" Matt asked, and Chris's expression faltered.

"Matt, you already know the answer to that." He shrugged. "We both know there's no way I could do that. Or that she would say yes, there's no point in even asking." He sighs.

"How would you know that?" Matt asked.

"She clearly still isn't over Markus, and either way I just don't think she feels the same way." Chris shrugged.

Matt and Delilah immediately gave each other a look, both thinking the same thing. They had to hold back how badly they just wanted to tell Chris the truth, and tell him everything. But they couldn't. They needed Isla and Chris to figure that out for themselves.

"Okay.. but I think you should just try." Matt pushed.

"There's no use." Chris shook his head.

"Your not even gonna try?" Matt asked.

Chris took a deep breath for a moment. "No, Matt. I'm not. I know already know Iz doesn't feel the same way about me. It's not use, our friendship is already going to shit and I just don't want to ruin it even more."

"Hey Del, can you give us a moment?" Matt turned to Delilah, and she nodded before heading out.

Matt looked back to Chris. "Listen. I know the two of you. I've watched you guys grow up together, I've watched you interact all these years, and I know you guys. I can tell the feelings are mutual. I know you're gonna say that I don't know that for sure, but who cares? You don't have anything to risk in the first place. Your friendship is completely fucking ruined right now, and there's nothing else to loose. Just tell her, bro. Trust me."

Chris looked down for a moment, thinking. He stayed silent, then spoke up. "Okay."

"Okay?" Matt asked in shock, not expecting his pep talk to have worked.

Chris nodded. "Okay. Im gonna do it."


I'm sorry that this chapter lowkey sucks and was quickly written but.. oh well!! 😭
I actually cannot believe this book is almost done like wtf?! I feel like I started this yesterday
Anyways as always, I love you all sm and I hope you have an amazing day/night!!


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