chapter thirty three

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Delilah giggled as she watched Matt struggle with his tie.

"Do you need help?" She asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"No. I'm good." Matt said for what must have been the 1000th time that day.

"Are you sure about that? It looks like you have no idea what your doing." She snickered as Matt failed miserably once again.

"Ugh. Fine." He gave in, stepping towards his girlfriend.

The second he stepped over, Delilah grabbed his tie and did it perfectly in less than ten seconds. Matt gasped in shock as he looked down to his perfectly done tie.

"How?! I've been trying to do this forever." He groaned, and Delilah laughed at him.

Delilah shrugged. "Magic." She answered his question, grinning.

The two were currently getting ready for a double date with Stella and Fallon. They had been planning to do it for quite a while, but hadn't found the perfect time.

They were going to a decent restaurant, so they didn't really need to dress up. But, Delilah wanted to use this as an excuse to wear a dress, and convinced Matt to wear a dress shirt with a tie to make her look less odd for wearing nice clothes at dinner.

Delilah straightened out her dress, before looking up at Matt. "You ready?"

Matt nodded. "One more thing though."

Delilah scrunched her eyebrows together, so he would go on.

"You look beautiful." He grinned, putting his hands on her waist and pulling her closer to him, and landing a kiss on her forehead.

"Thank you." She giggled nervously. "You look handsome might I add."

Matt grinned, then placed a kiss on the top of her head. "Let's go."


"Are you ready yet? Your taking forever, god." Fallon mumbled.

"Hey, beauty takes time, okay?" Stella defended herself, and Fallon laughed.

"Alright then. Just don't make us late. Matt and Delilah and definitely waiting for us." She reminded, and Stella nodded as she put on her shoes.

"Okay. I'm ready. Let's go." Stella flashed a smile, and took Fallon's hand as they walked out the door.

As Fallon and Stella drove to the restaurant, they blasted their favorite songs and sang the whole way there, and they both laughed at how horrible Stella's voice was.

Once Stella and Fallon arrived, they were met with Matt and Fallon. They greeted each other, then sat down at the table they reserved.

"I'm glad me and Matt don't look like idiots since we're wearing nice clothes.. I thought we'd be the only ones." Delilah chuckled, since she had noticed that Stella and Fallon dressed up nicely too.

"Well, technically I didn't have a choice.. she forced me to wear this tie." Matt muttered under his breath.

"Yeah. And then you couldn't even put it on! After forever of struggling I had to help you." Delilah teased, forgetting about the fact that Stella and Fallon were there for a second.

As Delilah and Matt teased each other, both Fallon and Stella watched in admiration at the adorable couple. They truly were like an old married couple, just like Nick always says.

The waiter came to their table, snapping Delilah and Matt out of their trance. "Here's some menus. I'll be back in a bit after you guys look at these." The waiter smiled, handing them four menus.

"Thank you." Matt smiled politely, and everyone else grabbed their menus and started looking.

After a few seconds, everyone looked up, thinking the same thing.

"So, let's get the hell out of here?" Fallon asked, cocking an eyebrow and making everyone laugh.

The menu had a very small selection, and something that they probably should have done before coming to the restaurant was actually check the prices. Everyone was blown away, seeing that the cheapest meal option was 43 dollars.

"I'm definitely with you on that one. I'm too broke for this place." Matt muttered, and everyone agreed.

They had assumed that the place wasn't that fancy, because it didn't seem so nice on their website. But their prices definitely told them otherwise.

They told the waiter that they had an emergency and had to go, since they were sort of embarrassed that they made a reservation at a restaurant then left because they couldn't afford it.

They had decided to get McDonald's instead, since everyone agreed they wanted it.

Matt almost went through the drive through, but everyone wanted to go inside and eat. After all, that was why they went out in the first place.

Once they walked in though, they all immediately realized they must have looked funny walking inside in formal clothing. But, it was 8 o clock on a Saturday night, and there were only two other people actually sitting inside the restaurant.

They all ordered, then sat down and ate together. They resumed the double date, and the four laughed at how their night started, and now where they were. This definitely wasn't the evening they were planning.

Once they finished their food and cleaned up, they headed back to their own houses, happy that the date had turned out well.


I took a while to write this chapter bc I tried writing it multiple times, but I just didn't know how to..
This is sort of a filler, and I'm not proud of it honestly 😭
And bc I was struggling on this story, I decided to work on the other story I started.. I've officially finished the cast and chapter one!!
Anyways as always, I hope you have a fantastic
day/night!! Don't forgot to comment/vote <3


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