chapter thirty six

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Jay's birthday was coming up, and he had planned to celebrate it, having a party with not only the group, but most of the Senior class.

Since there was going to a lot of people there, Isla wanted to make sure she looked decent. A week before the party, she looked through her wardrobe for anything, just to end up frustrated. She didn't have any dresses, or nicer clothes. The only thing that she had though, was her prom dress from last year. The dress didn't even fit, and it seemed too fancy for just a party.

She then called Delilah, and asked if she wanted to go dress shopping with her. Delilah said yeah, and proposed that they could invite both Stella and Fallon if they wanted to come too.

Isla thought it was a good idea, since they could also get food at the food court and hang out once they got their clothes.

She called Stella, who happened to be with Fallon at the time, and they both agreed to going to the mall the next day.

The next Sunday morning, Fallon texted Isla, telling her she was at her house. Isla grabbed her purse, and began to leave. Before she was about to grab the front door handle, her mom stopped her.

"Isla! Wait." Her mom called, rushing towards her daughter to make sure she didn't miss her before she left.

"Hm?" Isla turned to her mom, and without saying anything, her mom pulled her into a tight hug. "I love you." Her mom gushed, pulling away from the hug.

Isla smiled. "I love you too, mom."

"Have fun." Her mom smiled back, and right before Isla closed the front door she exclaimed, "drive safe!" to which Isla chuckled as the door closed, and she headed off to Fallon's car.

Stella was already inside, and they just needed to pick up Delilah. Isla gave Fallon the directions to her house, since neither Fallon or Stella had been before and didn't know where it was. Once they arrived, Fallon honked her horn twice to let Delilah know she was outside.

Delilah rushed out of her house, a huge smile plastered on her face. It seemed like she always had a smile on her face, there was never a time where you would see that girl unhappy. She was a ball of energy, always in a peppy mood. She swung open the car door, and threw herself into Isla arms, engulfing her in a hug. As Delilah pulled her into a hug, Isla could smell Delilah's signature scent, strawberry pound cake.

Delilah closed the beam seat door after releasing from her hug with Isla, and turned to Stella and Fallon and gave them hugs too. They greeted each other, then headed off.

Once they arrived at the mall, they chatted as they all walked to the first dress store they had in mind. It was a somewhat new store, which everyone had been talking about at school recently.

"So how are things with Matt?" Stella asked Delilah, making small talk.

"They're great. God, he's just so sweet. He treats me just right, he just truly knows how to treat a girl well.
Not the mention He takes me out on these amazing dates and-" Delilah gushed, then stopped mid sentence once she realized she was talking a lot.

She turned to Isla, Fallon and Stella, who were already looking at her. They all burst out into laughter, as they walked towards the elevator to get to the second floor.

Stella pressed the elevator button, opening the door, and the four girls shuffled into the elevator together.

"Seriously though Del, that's good. I'm glad you guys are doing well." Stella smiled softly at Delilah.

"Speaking of boys, how's Markus been? You haven't talked about him in a bit." Fallon asked, turning to Isla.

Isla froze for a second. To be quite honest, she had completely forgotten about Markus. Well, completely may be over dramatic. The thought of him crossed her mind sometimes, but just in the way where she remembers that he actually exists. In the last month, Isla had been doing better without him.

Part of her was annoyed over the fact that he hadn't taken their breakup well, considering his reaction when she broke up with him. But part of her didn't even blame him, even though his reaction was a tad bit childish.

Although, they hadn't talked since the night they split, and ever since then their contact was limited to awkward glances in the hallways.

So, Isla didn't really know how to answer Fallon's question. There wasn't really anything to say, she didn't feel that she needed to talk about him.

"Things are fine. We haven't even talked since we split though, so there's nothing really to update on." Isla shrugged, as she hit the 'floor 2' button to the elevator.

Fallon nodded.

"How are you feeling about it though?" Stella asked, glancing over to her.

Isla frowned. She didn't even know how she felt about it herself. The truth was, since the breakup she had realized her feelings for Chris, and since then hadn't really looked back. She hadn't given Markus a second thought, or thought about how she was even feeling about the situation.

Isla shrugged once again. "I don't know, to be honest. I'm just.. over it. Over him." She said honestly, and Stella and Fallon nodded at her response.

They walked together to the store they were planning on going to, and all chatted on the way there. Once they arrived, they split up and began searching through the racks of dresses.

Not after long, each four girls had found multiple choices on what to wear- they all headed to the dressing rooms, so they could try on each outfit and choose what one to buy.

The first dress that Isla tried on, she didn't like it that much. It fit loosely, looking sort of odd on her body type. She decided to take it off before even showing the other girls, because she know she wasn't considering getting the dress.

She then tried on the next dress, which fit better. It was a midnight blue dress, and she thought it was definitely better than the last. She walked out of the dressing room, to see Fallon, Stella, and Delilah all hyping her up as she walked out. She giggled, as she thought about how people did this with prom dresses, and wedding dresses in movies.

"I'm gonna try on the next one." Isla announced.

She walked back into the dressing room, and pulled out a yellow dress. It looked beautiful, not too casual, but not too fancy. It was perfect, she thought, as she slipped the dress on. And if it couldn't get any better, the dress fit amazingly.

As she walked out of the dressing room grinning, the girls once again hyped her up. She spinner around in the dress, showing it off.

"Oh my god Isla, you look amazing." Delilah said in utter shock, shaking her head in disbelief of her best friend's beauty.

"You look so pretty!" Stella exclaimed.

"Yeah. You better get that one." Fallon grinned along with Isla.

Isla nodded as she looked in the mirror one last time. "Definitely. I'm getting this one." She agreed, and the three girls went to go try on their own dresses.

Once they walked out of the store, Fallon had a black dress, Isla had her yellow one, Delilah had a beautiful flower printed one, and turns out, they didn't just have dresses. Stella ended up finding a black top she liked, which she planned to pair with a new pair of jeans.

The four girls giddily walked out of the mall, all talking about how excited they were for the party next week.


Short filler chapter because I need to get you guys ready for the next two chapters...
(this is your warning)
Anyways ugh I actually hate writers block like wtf?!!! I have so many ideas but I can't write themmm 😔
As always, I love you and I hope you have a wonderful day/night!!


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