We can Share...(Yandere evil! Ryan × reader × yandere evil! Min-Gi) (I.T.)

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A few things before we start:

This story is about Infinity Train, so if you haven't watched it, I recommend you do.

This story takes place in the episode The Castle Car. Everyone, including you, is on the train still.

The evil AU is vastly different from the canon. So any evil AU character that I write for has not, nor is ever planning to, get off the train.

By the way, this story will be gender-neutral, so imagine she/her, imagine he/him, or just leave it at they/them if you want.


It was a few minutes after the confrontation that you had with Ryan and Min-Gi, and you were outside of the castle, AKA Morgan. Earlier, you yelled at both of them because they were fighting for you, and you harshly assured them that you were not, AT ALL, interested in being neither of their partners.

"Hey, listen, so..." came a voice from above you. "I know my bros haven't been, like, the best, but-"

"I don't want to hear it," you harshly claimed.

"Geez, it's, like, just me! Your loveable bell best friend, Kez!" Kez answered, startled by your sudden response.

"Oh! Sorry, Kez," you quickly apologize.

"No worries! It happens, like, all the time! Sometimes, Min tells me to shut up, and then I tell him it's me, and he still tells me to shut up."

"Oh," you gasp, but in pity for Kez, not in surprise. Min-Gi is pretty harsh most of the time.

"Anyways, I...um...the guys wanted me to tell you that they, like, want to talk to you. Maybe, just MAYBE...apologize?" Kez finally relayed her news.

"Hmm...tell them I don't want to hear their shallow apologies. Nothing can make up for treating me like a toy they can just fight over."

"I'm sure they didn't mean it that way!"

"I think they did."

"...Anyways, if that's what you want, then Mama Kez will sort everything out for you," Kez replied.

"Wait, Kez! Don't tell them that! What if they hurt me because of it?! Or if they hurt you because of it?!"

"Don't worry! They, like, love us too much to hurt us! Well, at least Ryan does. I think. Anyways, I'll go sort this out, Mama Kez style," she says this as she gives you a small peck on the cheek and flies away.

"Noooo, Kez...WHY WAS THAT WARM?!"




Min-Gi was burying his head in his hands, waiting for Kez to come back so he could at least have some other noise that wasn't Ryan's crying.

"Ugh, Ryan, would you stop crying?!"

"B-but th-THEY LEFT ME! I was going to give them a passionate kiss on the lips, and they pushed me away!" Ryan yelled as he continued crying. This was going on for about...ever since you finished your argument against them.

"UGHHHH. They didn't just leave you, dumbass," Min-Gi reminded Ryan, with an annoyed groan at his sobbing.

"Y-yes they did, 'cause, in my opinion, YOU don't count," Ryan said, still sniffling a bit.

"Hey, guys..." Kez flew in with a slight frown on her face.

"KEZ! Finally! The ONE time I'm actually glad to see you."

"Really?! I don't know if that's sarcasm or a genuine statement, so I'll just tell you what I came here for."

"Th-they're coming back, right?! To accept our apology?" Ryan asked, a bit hopeful.

"About that...they said that they don't want your, like, 'shallow apologies'," Kez said, quoting what you had stated.

"THEY'RE NOT SHALLOW! We're being genuine!" Min-Gi argues.

"Are you, though?" Kez asks in a soft voice, but unfortunately, Min still hears her anyway and sends a growl and a threatening glare her way, which startles her.

"Yes, we are! We want them to come back to us!" Ryan adds.

"Fine. Guess we're gonna have to deal with this ourselves," Min-Gi says as he drags Ryan off of his comfortable spot on the bed and out of the room, towards where you were (outside, near the lake).


A few minutes later (read this with the SpongeBob narrator voice)...


"Babe! There you are!" Ryan said as he swung his arms around you and hugged you tightly. You struggled to get out of his embrace.

"Hello, (Name)," Min-Gi spoke, speaking your name coldly as he stood above you menacingly. "Me and Ryan just came to assure that we were...on good terms after our strong...argument."

"No, we are NOT on good terms! You can't just treat me like your tool!"

"But we never meant to make it seem that way!" Ryan countered. "We just...the thought of one of us getting you over the other...it was unbearable."

"Because we love you SO much," Min-Gi added as he got closer to you and hugged you as well, this hug being lighter than Ryan's, and he caressed your cheek.

"Get off of me!" You grunted and struggled, but that just made their grip tighten on you.

"You know...before...we thought that only one of us could have you," Ryan relayed.

"But now..." Min-Gi said as he looked at Ryan, and Ryan looked at him, until they both finally said,"...we think we can share."

"We are best friends after all, aren't we, Min?" Ryan added, eerily cheerful.

"That we are, Ryan," Min-Gi said, looking at you and then back at Ryan with a darkly mischievous smirk. Ryan returned Min's expression.

You kept struggling under their embrace and looked up to see your best friend. You looked to Kez with desperation in your eyes, and all she could mouth was 'I'm so sorry. I'll try to get you out of this.'

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