Little Oneshot about Jemaime!

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The crew was just waking up, albeit relatively, seeing as they don't need sleep. Jemaime was already at the table, eating her breakfast slowly. Jax was the first to greet her.

"Mornin', Jemmy," Jax greeted as he ruffled her hair.

"Good morning to you too, Yakko," Jemaime said, lightly slapping his hand away and continuing to eat her breakfast.

"I don't even know who that is..." Jax mumbled in confusion. He was too tired to put up a fight with Jemaime, though.

"Morning, Jemaime! I see you're already up!" Ragatha exclaimed enthusiastically.

"Heh, glad to see you're so excited, Annie," Jemaime said as she smiled. Ragatha smiled back at her. No one understood her and her cartoon talk, but they appreciated her anyways.

Suddenly, Caine appeared, as if from nowhere. "Good morning, everyone! How did you all sleep?"

"I slept great, thanks for asking!" Bubble answered, popping up out of nowhere. As quickly as he popped up, he went away, Caine popping him with his finger as he wasn't asking him the question.

"I slept decently. Had a lot of dreams, though," Jemaime answered.

"Really? What kinds? I'm surprised we can still even have dreams in this digital world..." Pomni spoke.

"Well, I was, like, trapped in this maze. And I couldn't get out. And then, when I managed to fly up, I saw that I was inside, like, a video game, and someone was controlling the joystick from the outside. And I looked outside, and I saw Alberto, and I said 'YAKKO WARNER, IF YOU DON'T GET ME OUT OF THIS GAME RIGHT NOW, I SWEAR I'LL-' and then I woke up cause he shut off the game," Jemaime long-windedly explained.


"She's saying Jax was controlling her from inside a video game," Zooble answered Pomni's question, cutting her off.

"I must have been playing that game really well. I was getting you lost. Ha ha!" Jax laughed.

"Ha ha ha, laugh it up, mister funny man," Jemaime countered annoyedly.

"Thanks, I'd like to think my jokes are quite funny," Jax snarkily remarked, leaning his arm on Jemaime's head.

Jemaime just sighed playfully in defeat as she ate her breakfast. She eventually pushed Jax's arm off of her head, and he ruffled her hair in response, which kickstarted an argument mostly about Jemaime saying she's not a child.

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