Dr. Flug × Fem! Villainess! Reader

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Requested by: @rayofthestars

Just as you requested! Enjoy!


Dr. Kenning Flugslys was walking along the hallways of Hat Manor, checking up on how everything and everyone was doing. 5.0.5. was watching one of his kids shows, Demencia was...who knows where, wreaking havoc, and Black Hat himself was in his office, as always. He was going to check up on Demencia next, to make sure she wasn't...brutally murdering anyone.

"Demencia? I trust you're staying out of trouble, right?" He asked cautiously.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," the lizard-themed girl said as she was playing a video game. She was supposed to be the heroic main character, but instead, she was punching every NPC.

Flug sighed. "Ah, good. One less thing I have to worry about." As he said this, he was about to walk away to check on 5.0.5. But alas, Black Hat called him, creating a portal under Flug, making him fall. The portal then summoned above the ground, but high enough that Flug got hurt upon impact.

"Hello, Doctor. I suppose everything is running smoothly?" Black Hat asked nonchalantly, but menacingly at the same time. Demencia and 5.0.5 had just appeared behind Flug, 5.0.5 with a scared expression, and Demencia on Cloud Nine, with hearts in her eyes as always.

"Y-Y-Y-Yes, B-Boss, everything's g-g-great!" Flug stuttered.

"Aw, he's just the cutest, isn't he?" A new voice says. Out of the shadows comes a woman, a pretty tall woman at that. She has beautiful H/C hair cascading down her shoulders, mesmerizing E/C eyes, and she has a sassy, form-fitting outfit colored with C/S (color scheme). She was talking about Flug, walking up to him and giggling, crouching down gracefully to meet his eyes, or in Flug's case, his goggles.

The doctor blushed, darting his eyes around, not wanting to look at the woman in front of him. She was so beautiful, and...right in front of him. He already knew he was going to make a fool of himself.

"Wh-who's this?" Flug stuttered yet again, this time in nervousness instead of fear.

"This is Y/N, or as she's formally called, V/N (villain name). She's requested our assistance dealing with a pesky superhero," Black Hat answered in his signature raspy voice.

"YEAH! Their name is R/S/N (rival superhero name), and I HATE them so much! They never fall for my powers of seduction, so it's REALLY hard to neutralize them."

"Powers of what?" Demencia asked, confused. She narrowed her eyes at the new villainess, watching her to make sure she didn't get too close to her love.

"Seduction, dear. I flatter my enemies into submission and then POUND THEM INTO DUST!" You exclaimed violently. "I'm like that Miss Heed, but my powers come naturally, heehee!"

Demencia got closer to the villainess. "I remember hearing about someone like that. Someone other than me who's able to resist that bimbo. That means..." Demencia gasped and then tried to lunge at you before 5.0.5 restrained her by hugging her. "WHAT INTENTIONS DO YOU HAVE WITH BLACK HAT, YOU VILE- ARGH, LET GO OF ME, BEAR!"

As Demencia was struggling, you chuckled and went back to Black Hat's side to finish explaining everything. "So, I've enlisted your services so you can finally DESTROY that blasted hero once and for all! I trust your little sidekicks will do the job nicely, right, Blackie?"


"Of course, my dear," Black Hat smirked, an evil smirk at that. He was an evil entity of despair, as if he was going to fall for such idiocies. All he cared about was the task at hand.

"And I'll be going with you so it'll be easier! And so I get to see the look on his face when I SMITE HIM INTO NOTHING BUT ASHES!" You proclaimed.

~~~Timeskip to when they get to the Hat Ship, whatever it's called~~~

Demencia growled as she had to sit next to you. On her left was 5.0.5. "Do I really have to be the one to sit next to her the entire flight?"

"I mean, if she wants, she can p-p-probably sit next to me," Flug said as he blushed and focused his eyes on the window. He didn't want to get more distracted than he already was.

"Sure!" You exclaimed, standing up and walking over gracefully to sit beside him, Demencia relieved a little because she didn't have to sit next to you anymore.

"So...you're the scientist, right? Something like that?" You said, trying to initiate small talk. "That must make you very smart."

"U-Uh, yeah! I guess I am, aren't I?" Flug said shyly.

"You know...if you're, y'know, available, I could...I could be a great partner~!" You said seductively, leaning closer to him.

The doctor stuttered yet again, trying his hardest to stay focused, but how could he when he was next to the most beautiful villainess he's ever seen? His cheeks have maintained the same bright shade of red throughout the entire flight.

"O-OH! But I get it if you already have a girlfriend. Or boyfriend," you said, mindfully backing up to give him some space.

"N-No! I'm...I'm not currently seeing anyone, if that's what you're asking," Flug cleared up, ensuring you weren't embarrassed.

"O-Oh, okay. Then...maybe we could see each other~," you continued, leaning back towards the doctor's personal space. As if you knew what personal space was.

Flug was so red that he could've been every shade of red at once! He tried not to get super distracted.

"S-S-So, what's up with this h-hero you hate?" Flug asked, trying to change the subject.


"Hehe...seems like they've got you worked up," Flug chuckled.

"YES! THEY DO! But I've heard only good things about Black Hat Organization, so I trust you'll defeat them in a pinch! Right?~"

"YEAH!" Demencia yelled from the back of the ship. "It'll be all like WHAM, POW, BOOM! I've brought some EXTRA special goodies to ensure the 'boom' part happens, hehe."

You chuckled, not only out of amusement, but out of malice. Your rival was finally going to get their due.

~~~~timeskip to after they defeated the hero because I honestly have no more ideas, lol. Forgive me!~~~~

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! FINALLY we can have a personal talk about how I don't appreciate when they take my shtick," you said as you held R/S/N in a little glass jar.

"Y-You're welcome, Miss V/N! It's all part of the job, hehe," Flug shyly chuckled.

5.0.5 came in to hug you, which you returned because dang! He was really cute and fluffy!

"You're sure I can't eat them?" Demencia asked, and you nodded sweetly.

"Thanks again, Fluggy!" You said as you kissed him on the lips. It was a short but passionate kiss that left him positively stunned.

He just nodded as you left. "Mhm..."

Demencia waved a hand in his face as she muttered "I think she finally broke him. HA!"


Hey guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! I hope you enjoyed! I really, REALLY do. In my personal opinion, at least, this oneshot was terrible on my part, and I'm sorry! I don't know how to write scenes like those in Villainous, since they're kinda episodic, and I have 0 idea on how to make fight scenes, lol. Still, I hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading!

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