Snob Scenarios (Raymond and Elodie) | Ok K.O., Let's Be Heroes!

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I'm doing these scenarios because I watched the finale today, and I'm sad about it. Anyways, here are some snob scenarios!

(By "snob scenarios," I mean I'm gonna be writing about Raymond and Elodie)

This is...if you preferred the heroes/villains over their side!


● he would be SO dramatic

● like, mans has been utterly BETRAYED

● "Dearest! I'm right here, ready to accept you into my arms, and you side with the HEROES?!" *cries like the drama queen he is*

● he would constantly be trying to get you to join the dark side

● In the episodes he's in, he'd be purposefully starting fights between you and your friends (K.O., Rad, and Enid, I assume, but it can be anyone else) to get you to join the side of EVIIIIL.

● I think you should already be expecting to be mind controlled by Raymond in Project Ray Way (if you choose to be one of the people that gets dissuaded by brands, of course)

● he specifically designed the pins so that whenever it detected you were wearing one of the shirts (yes, he knows your exact size), it would not mind control you to get more shirts for Raymond, but rather, it would mind control you to run to his arms and be with him, to declare you love him and stay with him, etc. Basically, instead of being all "bRaAaAnDs," you'd be all "Raymond..." You know. With the zombie voice.

● that is, if you chose one of his shirts. If you didn't, that would be the utmost level of betrayal in the world.

● "DARLING, HOW COULD YOU?! Wearing their...STUPID CLOTHES! No matter. I expected they'd do this to you, manipulate you out of my grasp. So I sent you a jacket beforehand."

● "What's the jacket do?"

● "Just put it on, dear~"

● "Okaaay..." *puts on jacket and gets mind-controlled anyway*

● YEP. He's that kind of guy.

● Oh, and don't think his siblings wouldn't get in on the action, either.

● they would SO try to get you to be on their side

● they'd even make embarrassing jokes at you and Raymond's expense

● Darrell: "HAHAHA! WHAT'S UP, LAKEWOOD LOSERS! And our sister-in-law, hehe."

● Shannon: "Good one, Darrell!"

● Raymond: "Oh my cob, shut up, both of you."

Elodie (I'd appreciate if only girls read this btw):

● first of all, she'd be VERY disappointed in you that you took this path, but she accepts that she can't stop you from doing what you love

● she'd never fight you, even if you were forced to fight

● She'd try to subtly get you to join the heroes' side, and even if it isn't so subtle, she'd still try to get you to join.

● "I'll accept you if this is what you want, dear, but I won't fight you. I can't fight someone I love."

● even Enid would get in on the action, all for her bestie❤️

Hey guys! I hope you liked this! Comment if you want to see anything else like this, I'd be glad to indulge. Thanks for reading!

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