4K special! DJ (oc) × reader

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Don't mind me, don't mind me. Just...just testing something out. 😏


You were currently in Algebra, doing  a test that was harder than anything you had done before. You had studied, but even studies couldn't prepare you for this. You were currently stuck on the 21st question, and the teacher said you couldn't use your notes.

Suddenly, the person next to you slipped a note to your desk. You took it hesitantly and mentally read it. It said:

"#21 is B.

-DJ 😋"

You raised one eyebrow in confusion and looked at the person next to you. It was DJ, the known class clown. The only thing you knew about him, though, was that he was usually followed by his best friends, Jacob and Dot.

He was a brunette who kept his untamed hair under a backwards blue hat. He wore a white shirt with 90s-esque decals on it under his blue denim overalls. He was wearing checker-patterned Converses.

DJ sent you a smile as he went back to his work. You smiled and went back to your test, filling in the question and moving on.

Later on, in gym class, your class was getting ready to go outside when you realized that you forgot your water bottle today. Shoot! You searched your whole backpack but couldn't find anything.

"Hey, Y/N! Heard you needed a water bottle, so have mine! Don't worry, it's an extra," DJ said, throwing you his extra water bottle and winking.

"Thanks? Are you, like, stalking me or something?" You asked half-jokingly.

"No! Of course not! I just saw you struggling there, so I just assumed you lost your water bottle. Man, wouldn't it be so awkward if you lost something else? Like, 'oh, no, DJ, I just lost my pencil, haha!" Man. Hey, could you not mention anything when Dot asks where her water bottle is?" DJ responded, going slightly out of topic for a bit before heeding that you help him cover up this scenario. You laughed as you nodded your head.

It was later in lunch, and you were sitting alone at your own table. You then suddenly saw DJ sit down next to you, his best friends by his side as always.

"Hey, Y/N! Saw you were lonely here and decided to sit with you. Is that okay?" DJ asked.

"Oh, yeah. Totally!" You responded with a smile.

"Also, these are my best best friends in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE, Jacob and Dot," he explained, gesturing to the two people in front of you.

They were both brunettes, Jacob's hair being a lighter hazel brown, while Dot's hair was the same color as DJ's. Dot wore a pink and white polka dot dress with pink colored pumps and white socks. Jacob wore a brownish-white flannel shirt with dark blue denim jeans and the same shoes that DJ was wearing.

"Nice to meet you," you waved.

"Nice to meet you too! So, you're the person that DJ's been telling us so much about," Jacob said with a smirk.

"JACOB!" DJ exclaimed in embarrassment, his cheeks reddening.

"You know it's true. You've been telling us non-stop about 'the cutie from Algebra'. I even heard you mention you gave them my water bottle, DJ Robinson," Dot added, the last part sounding rather passive-aggressive.

"Hehe, sorry, Dottie!" DJ apologized.

"DON'T CALL ME DOTTIE!" Dot yelled, bopping DJ's head with Jacob's water bottle.

You sat there, blushing and looking between Dot and DJ. "You all are quite a lot, aren't you?"

"Boy, are we," Jacob sighed. "But we love each other. Isn't that right, guys?"

"I can't really say I love him right now..." Dot seethed.

"Hehehe...this is why I told you not to tell her anything, N/N..." DJ lamented, looking to you as a cry for help.

"You TOLD THEM not to tell me anything?!?!" Dot yelled yet again, this time slapping DJ on the head with her bare hands.

"Ah, ow, Dot, I didn't mean it! I'll pay you back, I promise! OW!" DJ exclaimed, trying his best to shield himself with his arms as Dot gave him hit after hit.

"So...DJ likes me?" You asked innocently.

"What do you think?" Jacob asked, leaning in closer (not to you) with a smirk.

"DON'T LISTEN TO HIM, HE'S LYING! THEY'RE BOTH LYING! OW!" DJ exclaimed, trying to save his skin.

"Oh, brother," you sighed. Jacob patted your shoulder in understanding. You were in for a wild ride now that you knew these three.

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