Have y'all ever considered this? (music A/N)

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Consider the following: Die For You by The Weeknd is a yandere song.

I truly love the song, it sounds amazing! But. I've read enough yandere fanfics to know that some of those lyrics are sus.

Let's start with the obvious. "I would kill for you." OBVIOUS yandere line. Even the name, Die For You, seems a bit obsessive, don't you think?

There's also this line: "I'm finding ways to manipulate the feeling you're going through." EXCUSE ME?! Manipulate?! My feelings?! Seems kinda toxic.

I'm just saying, it's kinda sus. And why am I saying all this?

Because there has been SEVERAL times today where I have imagined yandere versions of characters singing this song, the Winter King mostly, in particular.

I also imagine Simon Laurent would sing this song, it has to be said.

And this is the first time I fully hear the song. THE FIRST TIME! I still love it, though. Go give it a listen.

(P.S., another seemingly innocent song would be Lover by Taylor Swift. There's so many songs from her that, if you take them out of context, sound devious, but this one sounds the most yandere, specifically from the middle to the end.)

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